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Innovation culture at UiO: Pharmacy students enter Oslo Science Park

The Student association for pharmaceutical innovation, ShareLab in Oslo Science Park and the Life Science Growth House at the University of Oslo have teamed up on a project that gives pharmacy students the opportunity to work on innovative projects and acquire skills that are requested by industry.

collage of picture from launch event
From the launch of the project in Oslo Science Park on 12 October with representatives from the Department of Pharmacy, The Norwegian Association of Pharmacists, LMI and Oslo Science Park. Top right: Nicolay Bérard-Andersen welcomed on behalf of the Life Science Growth House. Bottom left: Esben A. Nilssen from ShareLab told how they, by offering laboratory space and advanced laboratory equipment, have made it possible for researchers, students and start-up companies to test innovative ideas. Bottom right: The Student association for pharmaceutical innovation, which has taken the initiative for the project. Here represented by Martine Narum, Kristine Horgen, Karoline Sandbakken (leader), Elise Helene Stenstad and Nora Lødøen. Photo top row: Tore Rasmussen Steien/Norsk Farmaceutisk Tidsskrift. Photo bottom row: Life Science Growth House.

Note that we have changed our name to UiO Growth House. Articles written before 2023 use the old name Life Science Growth House.

The Life Science Growth House aims to strengthen the culture of innovation at the University of Oslo. A good way to work with innovation culture is to ensure that students, who are the researchers of the future both inside and outside academia and who will hold other positions in the innovation ecosystem around us, get the opportunity to engage in innovation.

New project on the initiative of the students

On the initiative of the students in the Student association for pharmaceutical innovation at the Department of Pharmacy at the University of Oslo, the Growth House with innovation adviser Nicolay Bérard-Andersen, has put in place an agreement with ShareLab in Oslo Science Park to let students work on innovative projects and learn new methods and, as such, get the skills that are requested by industry.

Wants more collaboration with the innovation ecosystem in Oslo Science Park

The collaboration with the Student association for pharmaceutical innovation and ShareLab is the first step on the way to involving the entire innovation ecosystem in Oslo Science Park in the work of the Growth House. The Growth House wants to establish similar collaborations with, among others, StartupLab and Aleap and is already working closely with the business clusters Norway Health Tech and The Life Science Cluster in Oslo Science Park.

By Norunn K. Torheim
Published Oct. 14, 2022 2:28 PM - Last modified Jan. 5, 2023 8:19 AM