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The Life Science Growth House so far

The Life Science Growth House is the innovation unit for life sciences, health and technology at the University of Oslo. We help researchers and students to mature early-stage ideas. Watch short video about our first months up and running.

Note that we have changed our name to UiO Growth House. Articles written before 2023 use the old name Life Science Growth House.

Watch the video below, or watch higher quality.
Duration: 2 min 19 sec with music, no talking.

Text in the video frame by frame

  1. The Life Science Growth House so far…
  2. 17 February Launch event

    Picture of rector Svein Stølen and Growth House director Hilde Nebb who assisted the deans of the owner faculties in the ribbon cutting.
  3. 18 February opened the door

    Illustration of open door and innovation services: tailored counselling, student funding, seed funding I and II with or without mentor, mentor programme, innovation hangouts, courses, seminars, internship for students and knowledge.

    Open door for researchers, leadersstudentsadministrative employees and the innovation ecosystem.
  4. Counselling and support

    About 50 inquiries where we have provided counselling 1 September 2021–20 June 2022. Most of these we work with continuously.  6 research groups have received seed funding,  2 research groups have been mentored and 2 student teams have received funding.

    This is our most important and comprehensive task, and the feedback is good: “A very committed and close follow-up that brings my research to innovation”, Jerome Ruzzin, Professor , Faculty of Medicine, UiO.
  5. Call spring 2022

    23 research groups were granted seed funding and 2 student teams were granted support. Totally NOK 2,1 million.
  6. Congratulations to innovative researchers and students!

    Picture of researchers with department affiliation: Klinmed 7, IMB 6, IBV 2, IPED 1, IKO 1, FI 3, FAI 2 and KI 1 and students IMB 1 and FI 1.
  7. Innovation hangouts – new meeting place for academia and industry, illustration
  8. 21 April Innovation hangout #1

    Organisers: Life Science Growth House and Oslo Cancer Cluster

    Inspirational talk Stefan Ries, Versant Ventures

    Role model talk Anette Weyergang, Oslo University Hospital

    Logos of companies attending matchmaking with researchers and students: Roche, AdjuTec Pharma AS, AstraZeneca, Oncosyne, Thelper, Blue Wave Therapeutics AS, Ultimovacs, Zelluna, Nykode and Bristol Myers Squibb.
  9. 9 June Innovation hangout #2

    Organisers: Life Science Growth House and LMI

    Inspirational talk Martin Haswell Roche Norway

    Role model talk Frans Suurs, University of Oslo, Oslo University Hospital and Bayer

    Logos of companies attending matchmaking with researchers and students: Roche, AbbVie, GE Healthcare, ThermoFisher, Pfizer, Norsk medisinsk syklotronsenter and EATRIS.
  10. Evaluation of innovation hangout #1 and #2

    Graphics that shows that 9 of 10 rates the hangouts 5 & 6 of 6.

    9 of 10 would recommend the hangouts to others.
  11. Save the dates for the innovation hangouts this fall!

    Picture from mingling innovation hangout

    8 September Innovation hangout #3

    Organisers: The Life Science Growth House and The Life Science Cluster
  12. Save the dates for the innovation hangouts this fall!

    Picture from mingling innovation hangout

    10 November Innovation hangout #4

    Organisers: Life Science Growth House and Norway Health Tech
  13. Student innovation

    We have supported founding of innovation associations for pharmacy and chemistry students.

    We collaborate with these and the Student association for medical innovation (SMI) on an internship programme.
  14. Student internship

    24 students provided with summer jobs in companies.

    The Growth House covers half the salary for 10 in small & medium-sized companies.
  15. Thanks to the companies that open their doors for our students!

    Logos of the companies: AbbVie, Bayer, Biogen, Bristol Myers Squibb, Dr.Dropin, Eyecheck, MedLytic, Nordic Nanovector, Novartis, Onco invent, Roche, Smerud Medical Research and Takeda.
  16. High meeting activity

    Internally with institute leaders and leader groups as well as talks at seminars.

    Externally with business clusters, incubators, companies, other universities and university hospitals as well as visits from international delegations and the minister of research and higher education.
  17. Picture of the Life Science Growth House team: Henrik, Hilde, Ivar, Norunn, Nicolay and Morten.

    4 full-time employees, 2 part-time employees and 3 in hiring process.
  18.   …have a nice summer!

    We look forward to further collaboration this fall!
By Norunn K. Torheim
Published June 30, 2022 12:04 PM - Last modified Jan. 4, 2023 12:18 PM