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Newsletter December 2022

The Life Science Growth House is the innovation unit for life sciences, health and technology at the University of Oslo (UiO).

The Growth House annual summary

We have put behind us a fantastically exciting year in the Life Science Growth House, where the door with our low-threshold innovation services was opened on 18 February 2022. So far, we have seen that it is useful to run internal value creation work where UiO's students and researchers are put in the driver's seat in interaction with the innovation ecosystem around us to put more knowledge to use.

Watch our annual summary in text and pictures (with music, 5 min.).

Health innovation and entrepreneurship: Apply for admission to the School of Health Innovation course 1 spring 2023

Illustration School of Health Innovation

Learn how to commercialize research or ideas into business ventures and how to innovate services in a clinical setting. Apply for admission to the spring course in health innovation and entrepreneurship. The School of Health Innovation covers all costs. Course for PhD students and post-docs as well as young assistant professors, clinicians and researchers. 3 modules with 3 days per module spring 2023 – one module in Trondheim, one in Copenhagen and one in Stockholm. 

Read more about the course including admission criteria and apply on the course webpage. Application deadline 3 February 2023. 

Check out events in 2023

8 February: Student internship – matchmaking for students and companies

Companies that want to offer summer jobs to companies through the internship programme can sign up already now. The Growth House covers half the salary for 20 students who get jobs in small and medium-sized companies.

13–15 February: Norway Life Science

The leading conference for life sciences gather the actors who will develop a world-leading health industry in Norway. Growth House director Hilde Nebb is one of the speakers both 13 and 14 February. 


We will also organise our innovation meeting place for academia and industry innovation hangouts and UiO's innovation conference in 2023.

Happy holidays – we look forward to collaborating in 2023!

The Growth House team

The Growth House team. Photo: Øystein Horgmo, UiO.

Two people talking

Contact us!

We offer tailored counselling and support, including seed funding. Remember to contact us if you want to discuss how to proceed with your early-phase innovation idea. 

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