01. Visit from international technology leaders 

Friday 29 April the ETH Zürich masterclass for international technology leaders visited Oslo Science Park after a week in Norway with visits to among others Wilhelmsen, Yara and DNV. ETH Zürich is at high-ranked technology university. The masterclass Master’s of Advanced Studies in Management, Technology, and Economics is a two-year continuing education programme for technology leaders. So why did they choose Norway and Oslo for their trip abroad the last semester?

‘We were looking for a country that has an established economy and that is dedicated to innovation and sustainability. We found that Norway has many technologically advanced companies in sectors ranging from mechanical and electrical engineering, agriculture, to health-tech along with a highly developed educational system. Additionally, we see the public and private sectors of Norway moving forward at a fast pace toward digitalization and wanted to experience firsthand how they do so, and also to gain inputs on how Norway has used its natural resources to develop the country as a whole and provide for its residents,’ say Morgan Reino Altman, Daniela Stocker and Bastian Bergman who are responsible for the programme and the travel to Norway.



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