Dr. Steven Orzack (Fresh Pond Research Institute): What, if anything, do we know about the history of model building in ecology and population biology in the 1960s

Steven Orzack is visiting the Science Studies Colloquium Series. Orzack has a B.A. in Biology from The University of Rochester and a Ph.D. in Biology from Harvard University. He is President and Senior Research Scientist at Fresh Pond Research Institute, a non-profit scientific research institute researching pure and applied topics relating to the evolution of insects, demography, population dynamics and ecology, population genetics and evolution, the statistics of sampling for Census 2000, the dynamics of atmospheric gases, and human genetics.

The seminar is open for everyone!

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What, if anything, do we know about the history of model building in ecology and population biology in the 1960s? The history of model building in ecology and population biology in the 1960s remains poorly understood.
Today, I will describe discoveries in the scientific literature and in archival material that shed light on the scientific, social, and technological context of the debate over ecological model building in the 1960s
Published Oct. 22, 2019 9:23 AM - Last modified May 28, 2024 11:54 AM