Vidar Enebakk: "Standing in the shadow of giants. Christopher Hansteen's contribution to the study of terrestrial magnetism between Alexander von Humboldt and Carl Friedrich Gauss" (in Norwegian)

Public lecture at the opening of the 8th Norwegian Conference on the History of Science. Language: Norwegian. More info in Norwegian here.

In 1828, Christopher Hansteen went on a scientific expedition to Siberia, to map the earth's magnetism. He made accurate measurements throughout the journey using a small instrument, which he had developed himself. Two years later he returned in triumph: he had located the Siberian magnetic pole! But the triumph soon became a tragedy. Hansteen's magnetometer was unreliable, other leading researchers were critical, and Hansteen became uncertain: Was he wrong?

The lecture, which will be held in Norwegian, is based on Vidar Enebakk's book about Christopher Hansteen which will be published by Pax publishing house in February 2022.

Published Nov. 20, 2021 5:11 PM - Last modified Nov. 22, 2021 11:52 AM