Responsible Research in the Life Sciences II: How to integrate research in the life sciences and the social science and humanities?

Interdisciplinary research within the life sciences is in demand, and more and more funding bodies requires collaboration among researchers from different disciplines. However, many reserachers find it hard to create truly interdisciplinary project  which can create new areas of knowledge and new opportunities. In this panel conversation, the Sciences Studies Colloquium aims to promote a practical discussion on how to proceed if one wants to create good and truly interdisciplinary projects. We have invited four of the interdisciplinary projects that were selected to be Convergence Environments in the last call to tell about their process.


Short introduction on Responsible Research and Innovation (Silje Morsman)

Short presentation from each of the following Convergence Environments:

- Epigenetics and bioethics of human embryonic development (Kari Solbrække)

- Comparative immunology of fish and humans (COMPARE) (Kristin Asdal)

- Personalised cancer therapies (PERCATHE) (Anna Smajdor)

- Combining social and natural sciences to understand and manage global anthropogenic toxicants (AnthroTOX​​​​​​​) (Ruth Prince and Susanne Bauer)

Open for questions and discussion with the public

Did they know each other/know of each other’s research from before? How did they work to integrate perspectives from the life sciences and the social sciences and/or humanities? How did they proceed in practice:

  • On the development of project ideas/project formulation/research questions?
  • How often did they meet?
  • Did they write together or separately?
  • Did they encounter tensions due to interdisciplinarity and differences in approaches?
  • What is important to keep in mind for newcomers wanting to develop new RRI projecs?

Kristin Asdal  and Anne Kveim Lie will chair the discussion.

Published Oct. 15, 2018 11:50 PM - Last modified May 28, 2024 11:42 AM