Provide summer research projects for a student in life science

UiO:Life Science will fund up to 20 summer research projects between April and October 2018 for students currently enrolled in a bachelor, master or relevant professional degree program at UiO. We are now seeking projects and invite you to apply for a student by providing a relevant project. The application deadline is extended to 25 February 2018.

Project leaders must hold a PhD and be employed at the University of Oslo, Oslo University Hospital (OUS) or Akershus University Hospital (Ahus).

Summer research projects should give students hands-on experience with real-life research and can be theoretical, practical (wet-lab) or computational depending on student’s background and interests. The ideal project should clearly address a societal challenge and give the student an understanding for interdisciplinary research.

UiO:Life Science will match interested UiO students with research groups, and has simultaneously with the call for project announced a call for students.

Students will perform research under supervision integrated in a UiO, OUS or Ahus research group within life science for 6 weeks full-time equivalent (reduced time per week down to 50% for 12 weeks can be accepted), and will receive a stipend of NOK 40 000 for this.

Project leaders for wet-lab projects will receive NOK 10 000 for reagents from UiO:Life Science.

Project leaders must present their projects for the students at the opening event 5 March 2018 04:00 PM – 08:00 PM and attend the closing event in late October/early November where the students will present their projects. 

Published Dec. 13, 2017 9:40 AM - Last modified Aug. 8, 2023 2:46 PM