Apply for conference or other event support from UiO:Life Science

Academic employees and students at UiO can apply UiO:Life Science for funds for partially financing of open events that are in line with the initiative's strategy. The application deadline was 1 June. 

The purpose of the event support from UiO:Life Science is

  • to stimulate interdisciplinary collaboration
  • and support the initiative's six focus areas (read more in UiO strategy for life sciences)
    • Strengthen quality and interaction in research
    • Recruit, educate and develop talents
    • Promote innovation in the life sciences related to environment and health
    • Life sciences, ethics and society
    • Interaction and internationalization
    • Infrastructure

The events have to be open and take place after 1 June 2022.

We encourage scientists within both health-related and environmental-related life sciences to apply.

The UiO aims to reduce carbon emissions from travel by 2030, but at the same time professional activities should not suffer. We ask the applicants to consider digital or hybrid solutions for participants and/or speakers, and describe their considerations in the application.

Costs that can be covered

Each applicant may receive a maximum of NOK 50,000 and the contribution of the UiO:Life Science may not constitute more than half of the budget for actual expenses. Note that working hours should not be included in the budget.

The support from UiO:Life Science may for example be used to streaming and filming the event, hire a venue, refreshments or travel and accommodation for national or international speakers.

When the university is one of several organizers

In cases where UiO is one of several organizers, employees at UiO must have real influence on the program and budget, and the UiO participation must be of a certain size. The other organizers must provide support in the same magnitude as UiO.

Evaluation of applications

After the application deadline UiO:Life Science and a committee will evaluate the applications.

Your application will not receive support:

  • if the budget is not specified
  • if the event is not open
  • if the event is a regular departmental event in lieu of faculty or departmental funding
  • if the same (single) event already has received support from UiO:Life Science
  • if the event takes place before 1 June 2022
  • if UiO employees do not have real influence on the event

If we cannot support all the applications, applications will be given priority according to:

  • Events which aim to promote greater cooperation across faculties will have priority.
  • It will count positively that both MedNat and HumSam environments are co-organizers.
  • Applicants who have not received support before will have priority.

All applicants will receive a response within one month after the application deadline.

Applicants that are funded must submit a report to UiO:Life Science within three months after the event.

Visibility of support

The support from UiO:Life Science must be acknowledged by stating "the event has been supported by UiO:Life Science" on the event's website at and elsewhere together with the University of Oslo's logo. Download English logoNorwegian logo  

UiO:Life Science in turn will inform about the event in the event calendars and newsletters. Those who receive support, should document the event or what came out of it, for example through the filming of the actual event or writing about the event on within one month after the event has taken place.

Biannual announcements

Applications deadlines for this support are every 6 months (1 June and 1 December). The deadlines may be changed according to the corona situation. 

Questions can be sent to


Published Mar. 21, 2022 9:49 AM - Last modified June 13, 2022 9:48 AM