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Reuters video about antibiotics research at UiO

British Reuters visited the research group of Professor Pål Rongved at the School of Pharmacy and has made a video about the group's cutting edge technology against antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

Professor Pål Rongved and his research group has made a molecule, a so-called zinc chelator, that has a large reinforcement effect on commercial antibiotics when tested on various bacteria – including those that in principle are resistant to the antibiotic.

British Reuters visited Pål Rongved and Alexander Åstrand at the School of Pharmacy at UiO in March. Now the video Lab-created molecule could revive failing antibiotics is out.


UiO:Life Science wrote about Rongved's research last autumn:

Promising results from a new agent to combat antibiotic-resistant bacteria

There is a great need for new anti-microbial drugs, because a number of bacteria are now resistant to those antibiotics that are available on the market. Results produced by researchers at the University of Oslo using so-called zinc chelators are so promising that the Research Council of Norway and a commercial stakeholder have decided to grant several million NOK in support to the project.

By Norunn K. Torheim
Published Apr. 11, 2016 4:58 PM - Last modified May 20, 2016 7:07 PM