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The last two convergence environments are ready

Personalised cancer therapies and human genetic history. These are the topics of the last two convergence environments that will be funded by UiO:Life Science. With this, the list of the seven convergence environments that will receive support in 2017, is complete.

As we wrote earlier this week when we announced the new convergence environments in life sciences, one or two additional convergence environments could get funding after negotiations with the applicant's departments for co-financing.

Now, both negotiations are in finished, and it is clear that also The genetic history of Eastern Eurasia (ARCH-GEN) and Personalised cancer therapies (PERCATHE) will get funding from UiO:Life Science.

"For ARCH-GEN, the Department of Biosciences contributes with a postdoctoral position and the Museum of Cultural History with a PhD position. For PERCATHE, the Centre for Molecular Medicine Norway (NCMM), the Institute of Clinical Medicine and the Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine will co-finance a PhD position," says Director of UiO:Life Science, Finn-Eirik Johansen.

The two convergence environments

The genetic history of Eastern Eurasia (ARCH-GEN)

The convergence environment will unveil the patterns and processes that have shaped the cultural and genetic landscape of human populations in Eastern Eurasia using a wide range of multidisciplinary tools and approaches. 

Consortium (from left to right)
Nils Chr. Stenseth, Professor, Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis (CEES), Department of Biosciences, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Jan Bill, Professor, Department of Archaeology, Museum of Cultural History
Chen Yong Zhi, Inner Mongolia Museum (not on photo)

Personalised cancer therapies (PERCATHE)

The convergence environment will develop a new approach to personalised cancer therapy, based on mathematical, statistical and biological methods. It will also study the ethical, societal and regulatory perspectives. Read more

Consortium (from left to right)
Arnoldo Frigessi, Professor, Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine & BigInsight (leader)
Kjetil Taskén, Professor and Director, Centre for Molecular Medicine Norway (NCMM), Faculty of Medicine
Vessela Kristensen, Professor, Institute of Clinical Medicine, Faculty of Medicine
Åslaug Helland, Associate Professor, Institute of Clinical Medicine, Faculty of Medicine
Alvaro Köhn-Luque, Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine
By Norunn K. Torheim
Published May 4, 2017 1:28 PM - Last modified Nov. 6, 2019 6:41 PM