Young Talents

– career opportunities beyond academia

Image may contain: Font, Rectangle, Electric blue, Brand, Logo.

This seminar is created for PhD students, postdocs and Master´s students in life sciences at the University of Oslo and NMBU.You will hear inspirational talks from people who have made careers outside academia. And get advice on how to build your own career.

11:00–12:30 Plenary Session


Åse GornitzkaElise Norberg

Inspirational talks by professionals who have made careers outside academia

  • Georg Vo Beiske, CEO, Tribune Therapeautics
  • Borghild Hillestad, Director of Fish Welfare, Viking Aqua AS
  • Frøydis Sved Skottvoll, Research Scientist, SINTEF Digital
  • Erik Paulshus, Research Scientist, Veterinærinstituttet - Norwegian Veterinary Institute
  • Eva Marit Hystad Byhrø, Project Manager, Denofa/Pronofa Ecosystems
  • Ingvild Gudim, Senior Adviser, Medical devices, Legemiddelverket - The Norwegian Medicines Agency
  • Ali Areffard, Disease Area Head Immuno-Oncology, Bristol Myers Squibb

Chair: Aksel Faanes Persson, Senior Communication Adviser, SINTEF Digital

Georg vo BeiskeBorghild HillestadFrøydis Sved SkottvollErik PaulshusEva Marit Hystad ByhrøIngvild GudimAli Areffard Aksel Faanes Persson, chair of the event.

13:30–15:00 Network Meetings

This event will be followed by network meetings. You will have the opportunity to meet representatives from the following companies:

Abbvie logo
Image may contain: Font.
Bayer logo

Bristol Myers Squibb logo

DNV logo

Denoda logo
GE Health Care logo Grape logo

Image may contain: Font, Art, Rectangle, Symbol, Circle.

NIBIO logo
Logo NINA Norsvin logo
Novartis logo Image may contain: Purple, Violet, Font, Magenta, Electric blue.
Pfizer logo

Pronofa logo

Image may contain: Font, Logo, Rectangle, Magenta, Brand.

Image may contain: Font, Electric blue, Brand, Magenta.
SINTEF logo Syklotron senteret logo

Thermo Fisher Scientific

Tribune Therapeutics logo

Norwegian Veterinary Insitute logo

Viking Aqua logo





This event is organized by the University of Oslo in cooperation with Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU).