In September we helped the students at UiO who were to participate in the international competition in synthetic biology – iGEM – to print the Norwegian version of the comic "Adventures in synthetic biology".

With this comic this year´s team wants to get more students from different disciplines to get insight into synthetic biology and maybe participate in the competition the coming years.

When the students from UiO participated in the iGEM competition in the end of October, they received a gold medal for their work. They have combined traditional molecular biology with app design, 3D printing and innovative thinking to detect antibiotic resistance in a simple way. The aim is to avoid overuse of antibiotics and thereby reduce the spreading of the resistance genes.

Read more about the comic and download the comic in Norwegian.

Download the English version from nature.com

Visit the web page of iGEM Oslo.

Source file

17_igem_comic_text_740.jpg (740 x 492 px)  –  117.7 kB

Image usage

University of Oslo copyright