In September we hosted an event at Oslo Urban Arena together with the City of Oslo.

The topic was Oslo Life Science City – how do we facilitate new businesses? The background for the event was the plan for a new life science building at UiO, that will be Norway's largest research and education building, and UiO’s ambitions to work closer with others to increase the degree of innovation. Also, the City of Oslo is working on a new campus strategy for Oslo. The life science building will be an engine for innovation and business development. What does it take to develop the entire Gaustadbekkdalen into a vibrant and attractive urban area for research, education, innovation and business development?

Per Morten Sandset, vice-rector for research and innovation at UiO, gave and introduction about UiO’s visions for Oslo Life Science City. Filippa Kull from Stockholm Science City shared her experiences from Hagastaden in Solna/Stockholm.

Jan Anders Istad, from the pharmaceutical company Novartis and Gro Bonesmo, arcitect, partner in Spacegroup and Professor at the Oslo School of Architecture and Design participated in the debate with the Sandset and Kull.

Jan Fredrik Lockert, Head of Business Development and Diversity Unit in City of Oslo, moderated the debate.

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