2. Debate on algae and sustainable innovation 28 September

Algae can be used to make foods, medicines and energy. How can researchers, entrepreneurs, policy makers and investors help bring ideas to the market? From the left: Rene Wijffels (Wageningen University, The Netherlands), Gunvor Øie (SINTEF), Margareth Øverland (Foods of Norway, NMBU) and Bente Edvardsen (UiO) gave introductions before the debate. Moderator Ole Johan Borge (The Norwegian Biotechnology Advisory Board) to the right. Kristin Sandereid (Inven2), Arne Dessen (AlgiPharma) and Ole Jørgen Marvik (Innovation Norway) discussed the commercialization potential for algae at the end of the event. See the programme for the event, and watch the talks and the debates. The event was part of Oslo Innovation Week and The National Science Week. 


Oslo Innovation Week/Christian T. Joergensen

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