How are living organisms such as plants and animals affected by environmental changes, and how do they adapt to these changes? Reasearchers are aiming to acquire insight into this at the Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis (CEES) at the Department of Biosciences, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. CEESis a centre of excellence (SFF) with broad collaboration at international level. The centre is headed by Professor Nils Chr. Stenseth, who also heads NorMER, the Nordic Centre for Research on Marine Ecosystems and Resources under Climate Change. Here he is pictured with Anne Maria Eikeset who researches cod in the Barents Sea (in this photo with a salmon in the laboratory). Read more about the centres that Stenseth heads and Eikeset’s work in this news item from UiO:Life ScienceSee also the CEES web page.


© UiO/Terje Heiestad

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