Why does the immune system attack the body’s own cells and tissue and cause autoimmune diseases? Why does our immune defence system overreact to non-hazardous materials in the environment, such as pollen and food, and cause allergic illness? Researchers are working to find the answer to this at the Centre for Immune Regulation (CIR), a centre of excellence (SFF) and a collaboration between the Faculty of Medicine at UiO and Oslo University Hospital. It is headed by Professor Ludvig M. Sollid (to the right of the picture). His research community has been selected as one of five world-leading research communities at UiO and in autumn 2015 he was awarded the Anders Jahre Senior Medical Prize. UiO’s most innovative researcher, Professor Inger Sandlie, also works at the centre. Read more about the research breakthrough in coeliac diseaseRead about simplified diagnosis of coeliac diseaseSee also the CIR web page.


© UiO/Kristin Ellefsen

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