A Sámi Drum

What can museum objects tell us about the North?

Image may contain: Wood, Font, Handwriting, Circle, Barrel.

Copyright: Museum of Cultural History (KHM), Norway

"A Sámi drum", by Professor Gro Ween (Museum of Cultural History)
Anders Poulsson's drum tells many stories about the North: about the town Vardø in the North-East of Norway, about witch trials and Sámi religion, about a Nordic region that has never been equal, and about all those who have made important attempts to tell Sámi history from the Sámi's own perspective. Professor Gro Ween from the Museum of Cultural History (KHM) in Oslo will introduce us to some of the stories this museum object conveys. The drum at KHM is a copy. Can a copy tell us similar stories about the North as the original?

The original drum is today in The Sámi Museum in Karasjok | Riddoduottarmuseat, on loan from the National Museum of Denmark. At the moment debate continues about the restitution of the drum. 


The research group «Collecting Norden», UiO:Norden

Published Dec. 8, 2021 11:49 AM - Last modified Feb. 23, 2024 2:24 PM