Transformation towards low and zero emissions societies

Presentation by Hans Jakob Walnum of ongoing projects at Western Norway Research Institute. Key topics connected to the transformation towards low and zero emissions societies.

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Image may contain: Wind turbine, Wind farm, Windmill, Sky, Wind.

Photo by RawFilm on Unsplash.

Hans Jakob Walnum is a research fellow and group leader for the environmental group at Western Norway Research Institute. He will be presenting three key projects of his group:

1. TourRisk project

Tourism Risks (TourRISK): A resilient low-carbon, high-yield tourism model for Norway. Is it possible to have high yields and low GHG emissions in the tourism sector? Despite Norway’s commitment to a goal of zero emissions within 2050, truly effective measures have yet to be implemented. In order to fulfil international climate objectives, Norwegian society will need to undergo a deep transition involving considerable emission cuts across all sectors, including tourism – a sector currently characterized by a high level of energy consumption and, in particular, large transport-related emissions. Interestingly, the same sector is expected to constitute an important part of the post-oil economy. This paradox leads to various challenges at which the research project TourRISK will address."

2. NTRANS project

NTRANS- Norwegian Center for Energy Transition Strategies is one of the social science related centers for Environment-friendly Energy Research.  NTRANS is established to deliver world leading research on the energy system in the transition to the zero-emission society. NTRANS focuses on the role of the energy system in the decarbonization of sectors such as energy, transport, industry, and buildings, as well as our everyday lives. Vestlandsforsking is leading a work package on controversies, conflicting visions, and value trade-offs connected to change the society and energy system towards a zero and low emissions society. This implies to address land use conflicts and synergies/trade-offs within sustainable development goals (e.g. SDG 16 on justice vs. SDG 13 on climate) and between sustainable development goals and other goals (e.g. value creation) across sectors such as energy production, industry, and infrastructure development.

3. SHIFT-PLASTICS application

How can sustainable circular value chains be created for handling use of plastics in the fishing and aquaculture sector? What are the technological solutions and policies that are both environmentally and economically viable for handling plastics in the fishing and aquaculture sector.


Please register your participation by 17 March, and we will send you the Zoom link to this Lunch seminar.  If you have any questions regarding registration, please contact


Published Feb. 3, 2021 11:30 AM - Last modified Feb. 23, 2024 2:19 PM