Norwegian version of this page

Mac at the University of Oslo

Mac is an increasingly popular platform for both students, and employees at UiO. We have approximately 2000 managed Macs in our system, in addition to a significant number of private student Macs. 
With the new "M" processors, Macs offers unprecedented speed and battery time. The MacOS operating system has an easy to use graphical user interface built on a Unix-based kernel. This makes the Mac very well-suited for both regular desktop users, as well as advanced power users such as researchers and developers.
Macs are supported for all users at UiO. Employee devices must be enrolled and managed by UiO EMM/UEM management system. 

Getting started 

Mac at UiO

• Find the solution to your questions in our troubleshooting articles and setup guides: 

• Read more about security and upgrade policys

• What MacOS version are supported at UiO (Norwegian language only) 


IT Support

Contact UiO IT-Support for help and assistance  with your Mac, or UiO services.

Read more

Apple support

UiO has support agreement with Apple which enables students and staff to get support with all and any Apple related issue you may encounter from Apple Support. 

Read more

Get a Mac

In order to get a Mac, you need to check that your department offers Macs. UiO uses Eplehuset AS as supplier for Macs and accessories. (iPhones can not be purchased from Eplehuset.) 

Go to Eplehuset

Decommission a Mac

When a Mac finally reaches its "End of life", it should be decommissioned according to UiO policy in order to ensure safe and secure reuse, or recycling of the device. 

Read more (Norwegian)