Zoom Module 1: Introduction to Zoom Functionality

Do you need help getting started with Zoom, or refresh old knowledge? Then this course is for you. UiO:Helpdesk invites you to an introductory course in Zoom functionality.

Registration may be found below.

Target audience: Everyone

Prerequisites: None

Time: 1 hour

Learning outcome: 
The course will provide you with basic Zoom knowledge and confidence in the use of the program. We will be going through what Zoom is, how you log in, navigate the program, schedule meeting, as well as conducting a meeting.


  • Correct login method in Zoom
  • Navigating the main menu in Zoom
  • Scheduling and inviting to a meeting
  • Zoom's interface
  • Tips and tricks
  • Advanced settings

For security reasons we ask everyone to log in to Zoom with their UiO user.

You can learn more about how to find out if you are logged in with your UiO user, and if not, how to do so, here: https://www.uio.no/english/services/it/phone-chat-videoconf/zoom/help/check.html

NOTE: The email address you register with, and log in to Zoom with, must be in the format <UiO username>@uio.no. Instructions for installing and logging in to Zoom can be found here: https://www.uio.no/english/services/it/phone-chat-videoconf/zoom/help/install.html


Registration link:

Register here

Tags: zoom, course
Published Aug. 9, 2021 11:02 AM - Last modified Aug. 9, 2021 1:47 PM