Example of email invitation and information for participants

Here is a suggested text you can send to all panelists (committee members, chair of the defence and candidate). Remember to adjust the text, including the name of the correct local unit, name of the candidate and if the trial lecture will be part of the webinar or not.

Information about the upcoming Digital disputation. We will be using Zoom as the hosting platform. In order to make this work we need to use two different types of meeting rooms, one Zoom Webinar where the test, (trial lecture) and defence will take place, and a separate Zoom Meeting for the private meetings in the committee. This requires 2 – two weblinks (url), one you see here at the end of this email, the other one you will receive from a user named “Digital Disputation UiO <Unit name>” with a subject that looks similar to this “Panelist for Digital Disputation: <Candidate name>”. There is a link in that email that you need. The link (also called webinar link) is personal and connected to your name and role in this event, so do not share it with anybody else. We will be using the same webinar-link in all webinar meetings, and you will get a reminder for each of them.

The Committee meeting room (the same link during the whole disputation period): https://uio.zoom.us/j/....

Published May 7, 2020 8:48 AM - Last modified May 7, 2020 8:48 AM