Invite to a meeting

How to invite to a meeting in Evolution.


Furthest to the left in Evolution you will find the Navigation Panel. This can be used to move between different parts of the system such as e-mail, calendar and address books, and is an easy way to navigate.

Create a meeting

Click New in the menu when in Calendar view.

Nytt møte

Call a meeting

When you choose to create a meeting, you will see a new window where you have to select who should attend the meeting (Attendees...) , and when and where the meeting will take place. For a transitional period, you may still need to book most rooms in Finnrom.


Booking a room

You can search for rooms which are in Exchange by pressing the button Attendees... (in the same way as you search for persons).  For a transitional period, you may still need to book most rooms in Finnrom.

Find a time when all attendees are avaliable

One of the challenges when convening a meeting is to find a time when everyone is available. Use Scheduling Assistant to see when the participants are busy / free.


Published Jan. 29, 2014 1:55 PM - Last modified Oct. 31, 2019 12:52 AM