Ordering a database 

Are you planning to create a database, do you want support for running a database, or do you want USIT to take over a database for you? Do you plan on acquiring or setting up a database that will be accessible to more people and need it to run in a stable operating environment?


USIT offers multi-level services that can make your oprations and everyday life easier. Our staff have spescialized knowledge of operating databases at the University of Oslo and its associated units. We want to make such services as efficient, secure and affordable as possible while focusing on functionality and accessibility for users.

USIT can help design your solution

There are several types of databases. If you need to run a database, you may not need to purchase your own database license. USIT can help you find the best way to acquire, install and operate the database. We have created a list of pints to consider when setting up a database. 

  • Does your application need a specific database type? We currently operate Postgres, MSSQL and Oracle databases.
  • Do you only need access to the database over the network? At USIT, the database runs on a central server in USIT's server rooms, and you have remote access.
  • Do you have high uptime requirements? USIT offers several levels and solutions for applications where uptime and availability are important.

The way forward

The form is in Norwegian. If this poses difficulties for you, or if you have questions before you can fill in the form, please contact your local IT staff. If you do not have local IT staff you can contact us by email.

On the order form there is a question about which environment/computer the database should run on. Here is some more information on how you can determine the environment.The easiest solution for both you and USIT, is to set up the database in our database hotel. Criteria for using a hotel-type database:

  • The database is less than 500MB
  • The database is not CPU intensive
  • The database does not contain sensitive data
  • No more than 1 or 2 people should have direct access to the database

If the hotel is not right for you, the next recommended solution is to run the database (s) on USIT's central VMware service. We would also be happy to be consulted for other solutions.

Published Sep. 3, 2019 10:05 AM - Last modified Mar. 4, 2022 8:51 AM