Guidelines for the use of the Student Residence Network at the University of Oslo

Users of the Student Residence Network are hereby connected to the computer network at the University of Oslo (UiO). The rules for the use of IT services (IT regulations) at UiO apply to all users of the Student Residence Network, including tenants at the Foundation for Student Life in Oslo (SiO) and members of staff at UiO.

The IT regulations are available on the web:

In addition to the IT regulations, the following guidelines apply to all users of the Student Residence Network:

1. Scope

1.1 These guidelines regulate the use of personal computers connected to the UiO network by Ethernet connection, either from a SiO Student Housing Unit, or from Blindern Dormitories.

2. Who may use a connection?

2.1 Individuals who already have a user account at UiO are permitted to connect.
2.2 Individuals who does not have a user account at UiO may receive a time-limited account (12 months) which gives them access to the Student Residence Network. When this account expires the account must be renewed at the SiO reception.
2.2.1 Users with a time-limited account are restricted to the following services:
  • An Ethernet connection equal to that of UiO users
  • Change of password through a web interface
  • Telephone support from Houston (
2.2.2 Users are denied access to all other IT resources and services.

3. IP numbers and equipment

3.1 USIT use DHCP for assigning IP numbers. The IP number assigned to you is at any time associated with you and your computer. Use of any other IP number is prohibited.
3.2 Equipment and software you receive from USIT to establish a connection is the property of USIT unless you have another agreement in writing. Equipment and software must be returned to USIT when you move out of the SiO Student Housing Unit.

4. Access to computers connected to the Student Residence Network

4.1 Computers connected to the Student Residence Network are accessible only from within the UiO network.
4.2 A limited set of services are available from the UiO network. This includes ftp, web, telnet, ssh, and a few others.

5. Access to computers outside the Student Residence Network

5.1 Most services are available from computers connected to the Student Residence Network, but NFS (Network File System - standard for accessing files on a remote computer appearing as a logical volume) is disabled. It is very important to note that the IT regulations also apply to the Student Residence Network, especially point 5: 'Proper use and resource economy'.

6. Local accounts

6.1 It is not allowed to give anyone who does not have legal admittance access to the UiO network services, for example by creating a local account or sharing user name and/or password.

7. Responsibility

7.1 Individuals given an IP number to a computer at the Student Residence Network by USIT are responsible for all activity from that computer on the network. The user is fully liable toward the SiO Student Housing Unit in case of infringement upon the guidelines stated in this document.
7.2 USIT and UiO holds no responsibility for user activities on the Student Residence Network, including:
  • Direct and indirect damage, loss, or responsibility brought upon the user by others whilst connected to the network.
  • Direct and indirect damage, loss, or responsibility the user may inflict upon a third party.
  • Direct and indirect damage, loss, or responsibility caused upon him/herself or others in the event of the Student Residence Network not functioning.
  • Direct and indirect damage, loss, or responsibility occurring as a result of the user being disconnected due to a violation of the IT regulations or guidelines.
7.3 Individuals registered as users of the Student Residence Network are responsible for all use of the connection.

8. Sanctions

8.1 Violation of these guidelines will result in a time-limited or permanent disconnection from the network.
8.1.1 Sanctions that result in disconnection will include all network outlets in a Housing Unit, even if the outlets are registered to different users.
8.2 If the incident is of such a character that it violates the IT regulations it may also have consequences for the access and use of the University of Oslo network, in accordance with the guidelines.
8.3 The user holds full responsibility if the incident is in violation of Norwegian or International law.


Published July 29, 2010 1:34 PM - Last modified Apr. 24, 2017 2:17 PM