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GPT UiO: Privacy-protected AI chat

GPT UiO is live and launched. It is a UiO developed service that allows you to use OpenAI's ChatGPT within the requirements set by UiO and the law regarding privacy and security. The service is now open to all students and employees at UiO, and can be ordered by institutions within and outside the sector.

Photo of eight happy developers

The GPT UiO Development team is super happy that the service has now been launched.
F.l. Pål Fugelli, Dagfinn Bergsager, Katrine Nordeide Kuiper, Lars Lauvstad Sættem and Tor Magne Kippersund. In front: Huyen Ngoc Nguyen, Hermine de Caspary-Poppe and Magnus Alderslyst Nygaard.

Privacy-protected AI chat for UiO and the sector

The development of GPT UiO has been ongoing at the IT Department of the University of Oslo since before the summer, and many have tested the service in a so-called "beta version." But now, GPT UiO has been launched, ready for many simultaneous users, ready for use on mobile phones, tablets and computers, and ready for use in studies and research.

GPT UiO is the first GPT-based service in Norway that is legal and safe to use in the educational sector, and it can be used with yellow and green data (see guide for data classification).

All students and employees at the University of Oslo can log in with their FEIDE user and use GPT UiO now. Access to the service can also be ordered for the higher education sector in Norway and other non-commercial institutions.

Security and privacy throughout 

GPT UiO takes your privacy seriously. The solution is specifically designed to safeguard privacy with features such as Feide login and local storage of history. You can also be sure that your data will not be used to further train the models, and the name of the person using the service will not be disclosed. We prioritize the user's safety and your privacy, and ensure that the service meets all privacy and legal requirements, tailored to Norwegian conditions.

The service only integrates with servers in Europe, and all data about user information and conversations is only stored on UiO's servers at Blindern. You can also download the "conversations" you have with GPT UiO and store them, so that you have an overview of what you have entered and what you have received from the service. The idea is that students can then download and share data when GPT UiO is used in studies and research.

A tool everyone can use

Whether you are a student, researcher, or work administratively, GPT UiO can help you in your everyday life. It can be used as a tool for teaching, research, or to assist in various tasks, but remember to be critical of the answers. Familiarize yourself with UiO's guidelines and considerations regarding the use of AI (artificial intelligence), and before using GPT UiO, you should read the information on UiO's AI website. You should also familiarize yourself with the evaluations of limitations and reservations that have been made specifically for GPT UiO (Norwegian only).

It is very important to note, among other things, that the sources the AI engine uses do not have access to documents published after 2021, and that GPT has neither contextual understanding nor knowledge of what is fact.

The way forward

GPT UiO is a strategic investment in the IT Department's continuous work on AI and the application of AI. The UiO-developed service Autotekst, which automatically transcribes speech into text using AI technology Whisper, has already been implemented at UiO and by many others in the sector. And GPT UiO will soon be updated with Model 4 from OpenAI, and more alternative language models will be added in the future. GPT UiO will also be made available to others in the sector, and first out is BI Norwegian Business School, which is the IT department's pilot partner in this work.

Test GPT UiO allerede i dag

Test GPT UiO today UiO students and employees: Log into GPT UiO from, or read more and log in from the IT service page for GPT UiO

Institutions from the higher education sector and other non-commercial institutions can already order GPT UiO:

Order GPT UiO for your institution (form in Norwegian)

Published Sep. 15, 2023 3:55 PM - Last modified Jan. 4, 2024 1:56 PM