ukomm user manual

ukomm is the web based tool you use to set your preferences for the new communications system.

To use ukomm you must be logged on: ukomm. Log on with your UiO user name and password. Ukomm is currently only available in Norwegian.

If you need access to other users setup, send us an e-mail. This option is currently only available for nonperson users (e.g. reseption), and you need a reason for us to do so.

When you log on you will see the banner overview ("oversikt"). This gives you an overview of your current preferences.

You find available options in ukomm under different banners:

  • Overview ("Oversikt"). an overview of your current preferences.
  • Forwarding ("Viderekobling"). activate and make choices for forwarding. Your options are "forwarding always" ("alltid"), if "busy" ("opptatt") or if there is "no answer" ("ikke svar").
  • You also have the options of forwarding to an UiO extencion ("internnummer"), UiO mobile phone ("UiO-mobil"), or voicemail ("talepostkasse"). You must make the choice on ("På"), and then choose an alternative from the drop down menu. Press choose ("sett valg") when you have made a choice. You can can only forward to your UiO registered mobile phone. If no mobile phone is registered in your name (and there should be), or if the number is wrong, please contact the personell consultant at your institute.

  • Voicemail ("Talepost"). Your options for voicemail.

    You can choose whether you want the message delivered to your phone, e-mail or both. Register your choice by pressing choose ("sett valg").
    Voicemail has to be activated under the banner "forwarding" ("viderekobling"). If you choose voicemail to be delivered to your phone, follow the instructions for voicemail

    You can also see your pin code by choosing "show pin" ("vis pin"), or change pin by following the link "I want to change my pin code" ("Jeg vil bytte pin-kode"). You enter your new pin code under "new pin" ("ny pin") and "repeat new pin" ("Gjenta ny pin"). To confirm, press the button "set new pin" ("sett ny pin").

Published Jan. 12, 2011 10:03 AM - Last modified Oct. 7, 2019 5:26 PM