
Published Mar. 30, 2015 11:16 AM

WARNING: This page is currently not being maintained, and contains outdated information. You should refrain from following any instructions below. Instead, please refer to the Norwegian version for the time being, which is up-to-date: https://www.uio.no/tjenester/it/sikkerhet/sertifikater/kokebok.html

An English translation will follow at a later point.


SSL (Secure Socket Layer) is a protocol for secure transmission of data over the Internet. SSL encrypts all data which is sent between the web browser and the web server, and by using digital keys you make sure that the data arrives safely to the recipient. 

Published Mar. 30, 2015 11:14 AM

Researchers and others employed at the University of Oslo in some cases participate in international projects using personal x509 certificates for authenticating users and giving access to web-sites or services in connection to the projects. This page gives a short explanation of what x509 certificates are and how you can obtain one if needed. Please note that the procedure to create certificate requests and keys is described in the Norwegian ssl-cookbook.

If you instead are in need of a host certificate and not a private x509 certificate, please order one from here: https://nettskjema.no/a/74868 and follow the procedures in the ssl-cookbook to create the certificate request and key needed for the form.
Published Mar. 30, 2015 12:06 PM

This document describes giving UiO users rights to request x509 certificates through Digicert portal. It is intended for the persons who have been delegated certificate administrators privileges. For x509 user documentation take a look here.