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Access - MacOS

Office computer / desktop Mac

This method will only work with stationary dekstop Macs on wired UiO network.

Open "Finder", and click CMD + K to open the Server dialogue.
Then, enter the access protocol, smb://, followed by the path to the storage hotel:

smb://<name of hotel>

Bildet kan inneholde: rektangel, font, skjermdump, kommunikasjonsenhet, programvare.

The storage hotel should then be mounted and accessible as a folder in Finder.


Access with wireless network / from home

If you need access to the storage hotel outside of UiO, you can access it by using a SFTP-service pointing at
This only works if the storage hotel is made accessible to Login, which is not done by default. Contact the owner of the hotel if not, or local-IT if it still doesn't work.

For SFTP via MacOS, UiO recommends using Cyberduck (free).
Below is a quick guide for connecting to the storage hotel with this software.

Start by configuring a new disk by clicking + to the left at the bottom of the box:

This brings up an extensive menu, however, there's only a few fields which are required. Start by swapping to "SFTP" in the dropdown at the top, then fill in:

Nickname: Some logical name for the disk
Username & Password: Your usual UiO-user
Path: UNIX-path to the storage hotel = /net/hypatia/uio/fs01/lh-<name>


Finish by closing the window, the changes will be stored.

The overview will now show a new disk, double-click it to attempt a connection to the storage hotel. You will be prompted to enter your username and password, in addition to a 2-factor code for your UiO Microsoft account:

If the configuration is correct, you will now have access to upload and download files to the storage hotel. Note that you cannot work directly on files in the hotel with SFTP.

Tags: macOS, Mac, lagringshotell, storage By Markus Sørensen
Published May 6, 2023 4:52 PM - Last modified June 12, 2024 10:36 AM