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Courses in Mathematics and Natural Sciences

Showing 1–250 of 465 courses
Course Credits
AST4310 – Radiative Processes in Astrophysics (10 credits) 10
AST4320 – Cosmology and Extragalactic Astronomy (10 credits) 10
AST5110 – Numerical Modeling (10 credits) 10
AST5220 – Cosmology II (10 credits) 10
AST5240 – Bayesian Cosmological Data Analysis (5 credits) 5
AST5770 – Solar and stellar physics (10 credits) 10
AST5960 – Astronomy. Master Thesis (60 credits) 60
BIOS-IN5010 – Computational physiology (10 credits) 10
BIOS-IN5410 – Bioinformatics for Molecular Biology (10 credits) 10
BIOS4000 – Design and analysis of biological studies (10 credits) 10
BIOS4010 – Methods in Molecular Biology and Biochemistry I (10 credits) 10
BIOS4020 – Methods in Molecular Biology and Biochemistry II (10 credits) 10
BIOS4030 – Laboratory Methods in Cellular Biology (10 credits) 10
BIOS4070 – Biogeochemistry (10 credits) 10
BIOS4100 – Evolution (10 credits) 10
BIOS4215 – Evolution and Systematics of Organismal Groups: The Animal Kingdom (10 credits) 10
BIOS4216 – Evolution and Systematics of Organismal Groups: The Plant Kingdom (10 credits) 10
BIOS4218 – Field Course in Tropical Rainforest Ecology and Biodiversity (10 credits) 10
BIOS4250 – Fungal biology (10 credits) 10
BIOS4300 – Marine Biology (10 credits) 10
BIOS4301 – Marine bentic ecology (10 credits) 10
BIOS4315 – Fish ecology (10 credits) 10
BIOS4400 – Pelagic Ecology (10 credits) 10
BIOS4500 – General Toxicology (10 credits) 10
BIOS4600 – Genetics and Developmental Biology (10 credits) 10
BIOS4601 – Genetics and Developmental Biology (10 credits) 10
BIOS4610 – Molecular Plant Science (10 credits) 10
BIOS4910IGEM – International Genetically Engineered Machine (10 credits) 10
BIOS5111 – Electron Microscopy (10 credits) 10
BIOS5112 – Life-history strategies and climate effects (10 credits) 10
BIOS5114 – Molecular Evolution (10 credits) 10
BIOS5210 – Methods of Gradient Analysis (10 credits) 10
BIOS5211 – Distribution Modelling (10 credits) 10
BIOS5213 – Phylogeny and Classification (10 credits) 10
BIOS5214 – Biogeography and Biodiversity (10 credits) 10
BIOS5217 – Evolution and Systematics of Organismal Groups: The Fungal Kingdom (10 credits) 10
BIOS5219 – Plant conservation (10 credits) 10
BIOS5226 – Natural History Collections – Diversity in time and space (10 credits) 10
BIOS5311 – Systematics and ecology of marine algae (10 credits) 10
BIOS5311F – Identification of Marine Microalgae and Macroalgae (5 credits) 5
BIOS5312 – Alpine Ecology (5 credits) 5
BIOS5313 – Human Impact on the Marine Environment (10 credits) 10
BIOS5316 – Harmful Algae and Algal Culturing (10 credits) 10
BIOS5410 – Regulatory Toxicology (10 credits) 10
BIOS5411 – Toxicants in ecosystems and humans: Effects (10 credits) 10
BIOS5412 – Toxicants in Ecosystems and Humans: Exposure and Accumulation (10 credits) 10
BIOS5610 – Eukaryotic Genes and Genomes (10 credits) 10
BIOS5710 – Advanced Cancer Biology (10 credits) 10
BIOS5810 – Comparative and Ecological Physiology (10 credits) 10
BIOS5812 – Advanced Physiology and Nevrobiology (10 credits) 10
BIOS5910 – Molecular biology of microbes - host interactions (10 credits) 10
BIOS5912 – Eukaryotic Transcription Factors - Structures, Function, Regulation (10 credits) 10
BIOS5913 – Molecular mechanisms of intracellular transport (10 credits) 10
BIOS5914 – Cellular and molecular Immunology (10 credits) 10
BIOS5960 – Biosscience. Master Thesis. (60 credits) 60
CS5960AST – CS: Astrophysics. Master Thesis (60 credits) 60
CS5960MASC – CS: Materials Science. Master Thesis (60 credits) 60
CS5960MASC – CS: Materials Science. Master Thesis (60 credits) 60
CS5960PHYS – CS: Physics. Master Thesis (60 credits) 60
DIGHEL4350 – Health Services and Information needs (10 credits) 10
DIGHEL4360 – Informatics for health workers (10 credits) 10
EIT5960 – Electrical Engineering, Informatics and Technology. Master Thesis (60 credits) 60
ENT4000 – Business Creation (5 credits) 5
ENT4050 – Foundations of Teamwork and Leadership (5 credits) 5
ENT4070 – Entrepreneurial Opportunity Evaluation (5 credits) 5
ENT4190 – Entrepreneurship Theory in an International Context (10 credits) 10
ENT4200 – Startups in Practice - Entrepreneurship (10 credits) 10
ENT4300 – Entrepreneurship and Internationalisation (5 credits) 5
ENT4330 – Entrepreneurial Finance (5 credits) 5
ENT4340 – Managing New Venture Growth (5 credits) 5
ENT4350 – Entrepreneurial Sales and Marketing (5 credits) 5
ENT4360 – Student Venture Creation Project (20 credits) 20
ENT4400 – Corporate Innovation Strategies and Project Management (10 credits) 10
ENT4460 – Corporate Entrepreneurship Project (10 credits) 10
ENT4510 – Social Entrepreneurship in Practice (20 credits) 20
ENT5100 – Research Design (10 credits) 10
FARM-KJM5010 – Bioanalytical chemistry I: Advanced Bioanalysis for Life Sciences (10 credits) 10
FARM5110 – Industrial pharmacy (10 credits) 10
FARM5150 – Applied pharmacokinetics and dosing in clinical practice (10 credits) 10
FARM5170 – Drugs for treatment of degenerative and life style diseases (10 credits) 10
FARM5180 – Drugs against cancer and autoimmune diseases (10 credits) 10
FARM5190 – Synthesis of bioactive compounds (10 credits) 10
FARM5200 – The use of biopolymers in drugs and improvement of health (10 credits) 10
FARM5210 – Novel Drug Delivery Systems (NDDS) (10 credits) 10
FARM5220 – A real-world approach to pharmacoepidemiology and pharmacovigilance (10 credits) 10
FARMBIOS4860 – Advanced molecular and pharmaceutical microbiology (10 credits) 10
FRM5020 – Pharmaceutical research project (20 credits) 20
FYS-MENA4111 – Quantum Mechanical Modelling of Nanomaterials (10 credits) 10
FYS-STK4155 – Applied Data Analysis and Machine Learning (10 credits) 10
FYS4110 – Modern Quantum Mechanics (10 credits) 10
FYS4130 – Statistical Mechanics (10 credits) 10
FYS4150 – Computational Physics (10 credits) 10
FYS4160 – The General Theory of Relativity (10 credits) 10
FYS4170 – Relativistic Quantum Field Theory (10 credits) 10
FYS4220 – Real Time and Embedded Data Systems (10 credits) 10
FYS4231 – Sensors and Measurement Technology (10 credits) 10
FYS4239 – Electrical Bioimpedance (10 credits) 10
FYS4240 – Data Acquisition and Control (10 credits) 10
FYS4250 – Biomedical Instrumentation (10 credits) 10
FYS4260 – Microsystems and Electronic Packaging (10 credits) 10
FYS4280 – Semiconductor Components (10 credits) 10
FYS4310 – Material Science of Semiconductors (10 credits) 10
FYS4340 – Transmission Electron Microscopy, diffraction and spectroscopy I (10 credits) 10
FYS4411 – Computational Physics II: Quantum Mechanical Systems (10 credits) 10
FYS4420 – Experimental Techniques in Porous and Complex Systems (10 credits) 10
FYS4430 – Condensed Matter Physics II (10 credits) 10
FYS4460 – Disordered Systems and Percolation (10 credits) 10
FYS4465 – Dynamics of Complex Media (10 credits) 10
FYS4480 – Quantum mechanics for many-particle systems (10 credits) 10
FYS4505 – Methods and Instrumentation for Nuclear and Particle Physics (10 credits) 10
FYS4515 – Nuclear Physics I (10 credits) 10
FYS4515A – Nuclear Reactions (5 credits) 5
FYS4515B – Statistical Properties of Atomic Nuclei (5 credits) 5
FYS4525 – Advanced Nuclear Reactions and Applications in Astrophysics (5 credits) 5
FYS4530 – Subatomic Many-Body Theory II (10 credits) 10
FYS4535 – Medical Applications of Nuclear Physics (10 credits) 10
FYS4545 – Resonances in Atomic Nuclei (5 credits) 5
FYS4555 – Particle Physics (10 credits) 10
FYS4565 – Physics and Applications of Accelerators and Beams (10 credits) 10
FYS4570 – Advanced Nuclear Structure (10 credits) 10
FYS4575 – Exotic Nuclei (5 credits) 5
FYS4580 – Introduction to Nuclear Reactor Physics (10 credits) 10
FYS4600 – Space Physics and Technology (10 credits) 10
FYS4620 – An Introduction to Plasma Physics (10 credits) 10
FYS4640 – Space Weather and Navigation Satellite Systems (10 credits) 10
FYS4700 – Biophysics and Medical Physics (10 credits) 10
FYS4711 – Radiation and Dosimetry (10 credits) 10
FYS4715 – Biological Physics (10 credits) 10
FYS4720 – Cellular Radio Biology (10 credits) 10
FYS4730 – Medical Radiation Physics for Radiotherapy (10 credits) 10
FYS4740 – MR-theory and Medical Diagnostics (10 credits) 10
FYS4761 – CT- and X-ray Diagnostic Techniques (5 credits) 5
FYS4762 – Medical Imaging with Ionising Radiation (10 credits) 10
FYS5120 – Advanced Quantum Field Theory (10 credits) 10
FYS5190 – Supersymmetry (10 credits) 10
FYS5210 – Solar cells (10 credits) 10
FYS5310 – Electron Microscopy, Electron Diffraction and Spectroscopy II (10 credits) 10
FYS5419 – Quantum computing and quantum machine learning (10 credits) 10
FYS5429 – Advanced machine learning and data analysis for the physical sciences (10 credits) 10
FYS5555 – Research-Based Particle Physics (10 credits) 10
FYS5960 – Physics. Master Thesis (60 credits) 60
GEO-AST4410 – Planetary Sciences (10 credits) 10
GEO4012 – Scientific Writing and Presentation (5 credits) 5
GEO4014 – Basin Analysis Seminar and Field Course (10 credits) 10
GEO4034 – Geohazards (10 credits) 10
GEO4060 – Fortran 2003 programming (5 credits) 5
GEO4100 – Environmental Geology (10 credits) 10
GEO4120 – Near-Surface Geophysics (10 credits) 10
GEO4131 – Geomechanics (10 credits) 10
GEO4140 – Environmental stratigraphy (10 credits) 10
GEO4151 – Earthquake and Volcanic Processes (10 credits) 10
GEO4161 – Contaminants in the Geoenvironment (10 credits) 10
GEO4171 – Floods, Avalanches and Landslides (10 credits) 10
GEO4190 – Hydrogeology (10 credits) 10
GEO4211 – Petroleum Systems (10 credits) 10
GEO4212 – Paleozoology, Systematics and Evolution (10 credits) 10
GEO4214 – Palynology, Palaeobotany and Palaeoclimatology (10 credits) 10
GEO4216 – Sedimentology and Sequence Stratigraphy (10 credits) 10
GEO4218 – Basin Formation and Development (10 credits) 10
GEO4240 – Seismic Interpretation (10 credits) 10
GEO4250 – Subsurface Characterization (10 credits) 10
GEO4260 – Geophysical Monitoring (10 credits) 10
GEO4280 – Seismic Signal Processing and Imaging (10 credits) 10
GEO4300 – Geophysical Data Science (10 credits) 10
GEO4320 – Hydrological Modelling (10 credits) 10
GEO4340 – Fluvial Hydrology (10 credits) 10
GEO4360 – Field Methods in Hydrogeology (5 credits) 5
GEO4410 – Glacial and Periglacial Geomorphology (10 credits) 10
GEO4420 – Glaciology (10 credits) 10
GEO4432 – The Surface Energy Balance in Cold Environments (10 credits) 10
GEO4460 – Surveying, Photogrammetry and Spatial Analysis (10 credits) 10
GEO4512 – Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere (10 credits) 10
GEO4515 – Remote Sensing of the Earth surface (10 credits) 10
GEO4520 – Advanced Remote Sensing and Topographic Analysis (10 credits) 10
GEO4530 – Geodesy and Photogrammetry (10 credits) 10
GEO4620 – Seismic Waves and Seismology (10 credits) 10
GEO4630 – Geodynamics (10 credits) 10
GEO4810 – Deformation Processes and Microstructures (10 credits) 10
GEO4812 – Ore-Forming Processes (10 credits) 10
GEO4822 – Geochemistry (10 credits) 10
GEO4840 – Tectonics (10 credits) 10
GEO4850 – Basin Tectonics and Structures (10 credits) 10
GEO4901 – Atmosphere-Ocean Dynamics (10 credits) 10
GEO4901 – Atmosphere-Ocean Dynamics (10 credits) 10
GEO4902 – Numerical Weather Prediction (10 credits) 10
GEO4904 – Atmospheric Chemistry (5 credits) 5
GEO4924 – Turbulence in the Atmosphere and Ocean (5 credits) 5
GEO4926 – Turbulent Boundary Layers in the Atmosphere and Ocean (10 credits) 10
GEO4928 – Clouds and Chemistry (10 credits) 10
GEO4960 – The General Circulation of the Oceans (10 credits) 10
GEO4962 – The General Circulation of the Atmosphere (10 credits) 10
GEO4964 – Upper Ocean Processes and Transport (5 credits) 5
GEO4990 – The Earth System (10 credits) 10
GEO4992 – Data Analysis and Model Evaluation Tools in Environmental and Climate Science (5 credits) 5
GEO5411 – Field Course in Glacial and Periglacial Geomorphology/Geocryology (5 credits) 5
GEO5440 – Cryospheric Modelling (5 credits) 5
GEO5450 – Cryospheric Processes in the Nordic Region (5 credits) 5
GEO5540 – Special topics in remote sensing and terrain analysis (5 credits) 5
GEO5550 – Seminar on Current Topics in Geoscience (5 credits) 5
GEO5680 – Floating University: Marine Expedition in Lake Baikal (5 credits) 5
GEO5681 – Floating University: Marine Expedition to Barents Sea (5 credits) 5
GEO5682 – Azerbaijan Summer School: Mud Volcanism and Petroleum Systems (5 credits) 5
GEO5900 – Chemical Processes in Soil and Ground Water (10 credits) 10
GEO5911 – CO2 storage - Physical and chemical processes (5 credits) 5
GEO5915 – Ecological Climatology (10 credits) 10
GEO5960 – Geosciences. Master Thesis (60 credits) 60
IN-BIOS5000 – Sequencing technologies, data analysis, and applications (10 credits) 10
IN-STK5000 – Responsible Data Science (10 credits) 10
IN4000 – Operating Systems (20 credits) 20
IN4015 – Ultrasound Imaging (10 credits) 10
IN4020 – Database Systems (10 credits) 10
IN4030 – Introduction to Bioinformatics (10 credits) 10
IN4050 – Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (10 credits) 10
IN4060 – Semantic Technologies (10 credits) 10
IN4070 – Logic (10 credits) 10
IN4080 – Natural Language Processing (10 credits) 10
IN4110 – Problem Solving with High-Level Languages (10 credits) 10
IN4120 – Search Technology (10 credits) 10
IN4140 – Introduction to Robotics (10 credits) 10
IN4140 – Introduction to Robotics (10 credits) 10
IN4150 – Digital Ecosystems (10 credits) 10
IN4170 – Microelectronics (10 credits) 10
IN4180 – Cyber Operations (10 credits) 10
IN4190 – Digital Signal Processing (10 credits) 10
IN4200 – High-Performance Computing and Numerical Projects (10 credits) 10
IN4210 – Network and Communications Security (10 credits) 10
IN4240 – Software Testing (10 credits) 10
IN4260MCT – Networked Systems and Creative Computing (10 credits) 10
IN4270 – Digital Business Development (10 credits) 10
IN4310 – Deep Learning for Image Analysis (10 credits) 10
IN4330 – Efficient Parallel Programming (10 credits) 10
IN4340 – Engaged qualitative research methods (10 credits) 10
IN4380 – Digital Transformation of Healthcare (10 credits) 10
IN5000 – Qualitative Research Methods (10 credits) 10
IN5010 – Design, Technology and Society (10 credits) 10
IN5020 – Distributed Systems (10 credits) 10
IN5030 – Protocols and Routing in the Internet (10 credits) 10
IN5040 – Advanced Database Systems for Big Data (10 credits) 10
IN5050 – Programming heterogeneous multi-core architectures (10 credits) 10
IN5060 – Quantitative Performance Analysis (10 credits) 10
IN5070 – The future internet protocols (10 credits) 10
IN5090 – Health data and decision-making (10 credits) 10
IN5110 – Specification and Verification of Parallel Systems (10 credits) 10
IN5120 – Tangible interaction (10 credits) 10
IN5130 – Unassailable IT-systems (10 credits) 10
IN5140 – Smart processes and agile methods in software engineering (10 credits) 10
IN5150 – Recent Advancements in Internet Protocols (10 credits) 10
IN5160 – Digital Leadership (10 credits) 10
IN5170 – Models of Concurrency (10 credits) 10
IN5180 – Analog Microelectronics Design (10 credits) 10