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Courses in Medicine (discontinued)

Showing 1–30 of 30 courses
Course Credits
HES9265 – Community-Based Participatory Action Research (5 credits) 5
HES9285 – The Economics of Hospitals: Competition, Price Incentives, Non-profit status and Waiting Times (5 credits) 5
HES9365 – NordForsk - Registerbased epidemiology (6 credits) 6
IMB9275 – Prediction (in Molecular Biology) (5 credits) 5
MF9000E – Research methods in medicine and health sciences: Introductory course (10 credits) 10
MF9110BTS – Molecular Biology Research Course (8 credits) 8
MF9180 – Mechanisms of cellular signal transduction (5 credits) 5
MF9210 – Laboratory course in molecular biology (5 credits) 5
MF9215 – Life science, cell and animal research (3 credits) 3
MF9240E – Literature search and personal reference databases (1 credits) 1
MF9245 – Biology of Ageing (4 credits) 4
MF9270 – Quantitative biology, or mathematics is biology’s next microscope (2 credits) 2
MF9280 – Introduction to Medical Anthropology (5 credits) 5
MF9290 – Introduction to multidisciplinary research in psychiatry and addiction (4 credits) 4
MF9310 – Methods in intervention epidemiology (Evidence Based Medicine) (5 credits) 5
MF9320 – Medical history: sources, methods and historiographic questions (3 credits) 3
MF9330 – Glycobiology (5 credits) 5
MF9340 – Scientific writing and publishing (1 credits) 1
MF9360 – Basic Research Methods in Addiction Medicine (4 credits) 4
MF9380 – Population-based Association Analysis (5 credits) 5
MF9390 – Epigenetics, development and disease. (5 credits) 5
MF9410 – Principles of Stem Cell Biology (1 credits) 1
MF9430 – MicroRNA and transcription factors as determinants of cell phenotypes and stem cell differentiation (5 credits) 5
MF9450 – Introduction to bioequivalence and non-inferiority (2 credits) 2
MF9460 – Introduction to genetic epidemiology (5 credits) 5
MF9470 – Introduction to Structural Equation Models (SEM) with the LISREL program (2 credits) 2
MF9490 – Course in Laboratory Animal Handling (5 credits) 5
MF9493 – CAREIN - Course In Animal Research In Norway (8 credits) 8
MF9540 – Analysis of contingency tables and logistic regression (5 credits) 5
MF9560 – Logistic regression for nominal and ordinal responses (4 credits) 4