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Courses in Social Sciences

Showing 1–100 of 100 courses
Course Credits
ECON9030 – Research Seminar in Economics (6 credits) 6
ECON9050 – PhD Workshop: Mid-term evaluation (0 credits) 0
ECON9104 – Topics in Econometrics (5 credits) 5
ECON9104C – Topics in Econometrics (3 credits) 3
ECON9106B – Advanced Applied Econometrics (8 credits) 8
ECON9200B – Advanced Microeconomics (8 credits) 8
ECON9203 – Topics in Microeconomic Theory (3 credits) 3
ECON9260 – Topics in Behavioural Economics (3 credits) 3
ECON9300B – Advanced Macroeconomic Theory (8 credits) 8
ECON9306 – Topics in Macroeconomic Growth and Development (3 credits) 3
ECON9310B – Topics in Macroeconomics (3 credits) 3
ECON9311 – Macroeconomic Topics (3 credits) 3
ECON9312 – Macroeconomic Topics: Heterogeneity (3 credits) 3
ECON9316 – Topics in productivity, technology diffusion and firm dynamics (3 credits) 3
ECON9401 – Quantitative Research in International Trade (3 credits) 3
ECON9410 – Topics in International Economics (3 credits) 3
ECON9620 – Topics in public economics (3 credits) 3
ECON9715 – Topics in Labour Economics (5 credits) 5
ECON9715B – Topics in Labour Economics (3 credits) 3
ECON9826 – Topics in Industrial Economics (3 credits) 3
ECON9912C – Topics in Environmental and Resource Economics (3 credits) 3
ECON9915A – Topics in Development and Political Economics (3 credits) 3
EDS426 – Extraction Ethnographies (5 credits) 5
ENERGI9010 – Sustainable Energy Systems (5 credits) 5
ENERGI9020 – Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Solar Energy (5 credits) 5
OSS9101 – Nordic civil society – a model for the world? (8 credits) 8
OSS9103 – Addressing the Climate Emergency through Education (8 credits) 8
OSS9104 – The Ethics and Politics of Care (8 credits) 8
OSS9105 – Democratization and Autocratization in a Comparative Perspective (8 credits) 8
OSS9106 – Global Urban Policy Mobilities (8 credits) 8
OSS9108 – Controversy mapping and computational anthropology: digital methods between the qualitative-quantitative divide (8 credits) 8
PSY9140 – Introduction to structural equation modelling (2.5 credits) 2.5
PSY9185 – Multilevel models (2 credits) 2
PSY9190 – The qualitative research process I (2 credits) 2
PSY9195 – The qualitative research process II (3 credits) 3
PSY9250 – Qualitative Research Methodology (4 credits) 4
PSY9250B – Qualitative Research Methodology (1 credits) 1
PSY9311 – Peer reviewing and open science best practices: case affective neuroscience (3 credits) 3
PSY9401A – Mental health and wellbeing (3 credits) 3
PSY9401B – Mental health and wellbeing (2 credits) 2
PSY9510 – Introduction to Statistics with R (1 credits) 1
PSY9511 – Machine learning (5 credits) 5
PSY9511 – Machine learning (5 credits) 5
PSY9550 – Statistical rethinking and Bayesian Data analysis (8 credits) 8
SGO9001 – Dissertation seminar: Introduction (1 credits) 1
SGO9006 – Thesis seminar: Towards submission (1 credits) 1
SGO9050 – Thesis seminar: Midway assessment (0 credits) 0
SGO9207 – Rethinking labour agency in a globalized world of work (5 credits) 5
SGO9210 – Emancipating knowledges and socionatures: anticolonialism and decolonisation debates (5 credits) 5
SGO9211 – Theory and practice for equitable and just transformations to sustainability (5 credits) 5
SOS9001 – Dissertation seminar: Introduction (1 credits) 1
SOS9006 – Thesis seminar: Towards submission (1 credits) 1
SOS9008 – Qualitative Research Methods and Analysis (5 credits) 5
SOS9009 – Advanced statistical methods course (5 credits) 5
SOS9030 – Introduction to Social Science Genetics (5 credits) 5
SOS9032 – Peer-reviewing and getting published in international journals (5 credits) 5
SOS9050 – Thesis seminar: Midway assessment (0 credits) 0
SOS9236 – Contemporary Social Theory (5 credits) 5
SOS9237 – Organizational Foundations of Inequality (5 credits) 5
SOSANT9013 – Writing and method (2 credits) 2
SOSANT9015 – Writing and method (1 credits) 1
SOSANT9016 – Writing and method (1 credits) 1
SOSANT9100A – Recent Theory in Anthropology (5 credits) 5
SOSANT9100B – Recent Theory in Anthropology (5 credits) 5
STV9023 – Case Study Research Methods (7 credits) 7
STV9028 – The methodology of political theory (10 credits) 10
STV9029 – Advanced Qualitative Field Methods (10 credits) 10
STV9031 – SCANCOR- Studying organizational change (10 credits) 10
STV9032 – SCANCOR- New avenues in the study of public governance: Turbulence, robustness and organizational theory (10 credits) 10
STV9033 – The 19th Scancor PhD Workshop on Institutional Analysis (5 credits) 5
STV9036 – Threats to State Security and Theories of Security Policy: How Fruitful the Latter? (5 credits) 5
STV9040 – Design seminar (0 credits) 0
STV9042 – Field Seminar in International Relations Theory (7 credits) 7
STV9050 – Midway assessment (0 credits) 0
STV9060 – Trial public defense (0 credits) 0
STV9430A – Political leadership and democratic innovations in local governments (10 credits) 10
STV9430B – Political leadership and democratic innovations in local governments (3 credits) 3
STV9431 – A differentiated Europe and its implications (10 credits) 10
STV9432 – Representative Claims and Democratic Innovations (3 credits) 3
STV9432B – Representative Claims and Democratic Innovations (7 credits) 7
SV9103 – Introduction to the PhD Programme (0 credits) 0
SV9104 – Research ethics (2 credits) 2
SV9105 – Philosophy of social science (4 credits) 4
SV9106 – Research Communication (2 credits) 2
SV9111 – Social Sciences Special Syllabus (1 credits) 1
SV9112 – Social Sciences Special Syllabus (2 credits) 2
SV9113 – Social Sciences Special Syllabus (3 credits) 3
SV9114 – Social Sciences Special Syllabus (4 credits) 4
SV9115 – Social Sciences Special Syllabus (5 credits) 5
SV9116 – Social Sciences Special Syllabus (6 credits) 6
TIK9011 – Science and Technology Studies (5 credits) 5
TIK9014 – STS Methodologies: Devicing Ethnography (5 credits) 5
TIK9015 – Dokuprax: Document analysis and document work in democracy, politics and bureaucracy (5 credits) 5
TIK9021 – Innovation Studies (5 credits) 5
TIK9025 – Innovation, Welfare and Policy (8 credits) 8
TIK9101 – Compulsory seminars (5 credits) 5
TIK9102 – Compulsory seminars (3 credits) 3
TIK9102A – Ph.d-seminar 1 (1 credits) 1
TIK9102B – Ph.d-seminar 2 (1 credits) 1
TIK9102C – Ph.d-seminar 3 (1 credits) 1