Install and test Zoom, and get to know its functions

Before your exam it is important that you have installed the Zoom software on your computer, tested that it works, and become acquainted with Zoom's functions.

Install Zoom

Download the Zoom software (for PC, Mac, tablets)

Conduct a test meeting

  • Log in to Zoom with your UiO username and password
  • Conduct a test meeting on (Choose Join > Open Zoom > Join with video). Remember to click Test Speaker & Microphone in the bottom left corner of the Zoom meeting window:
    Skjermbilde av lyd-og-bilde-testfunksjonen i et Zoom-testmøte

Become acquainted with Zoom's functions



Next step: Formal requirements/preparations


Published May 27, 2020 1:24 PM - Last modified Aug. 31, 2020 2:05 PM