Norwegian version of this page

Demo version of Lingdys Pluss

Students with Dyslexia can be granted a license for Lingdys Pluss through the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Adminstration (NAV).
For international students, the right applies to those who have membership in the National Insurance Scheme.   

Students who need Lingdys Pluss for home exams and who do not have a license, can download a demo version. Lingit offers a full version of Lingdys Pluss which lasts for 30 days. We recommend that you download the program well in advance of the home exam, so that the software is ready for use on the day of the exam.

For school exams, read what you must do before the exam

1. Downloading the demo version

On the website, select the software you want to download.
Choose your operating system (Windows, Chrome, iPad or Mac) and download the program.

Skjermbilde fra Lingit, nedlasting av Lingdys Pluss      

2. Free full version

Open the software once you have downloaded it to your device. The program will open in a browser. Then press "DEMO LINGDYS".

Skjermbilde fra nedlastningsvinduet for Lingdys Pluss

3. Enter your email address

Enter your email address. If you previously have downloaded the demo version and you do not get access, try another email address. If you still cannot access, see contact information at the bottom of the page.

Skjermbilde av nedlastningsvinduet for Lingdys Pluss, tast inn epost

4. Select account

After you have registered a valid email address, you will be given three choices: "FORTSETT" (Continue), "Fortsett med Google" or "Apple". Choose the one that applies to you.

Image may contain: Font, Aqua, Terrestrial plant, Parallel, Electric blue.

5. Fill in the required information and select your language

You can choose between following languages: Norwegian, English, German, Spanish and French.

After completing the form, you will receive an email were you must verify the user. Go to your inbox and click on the link "". Then log in with your email and password. You now have access to a full version for 30 days.

 Skjermbilde av nedlastningsvinduet for Lingdys Pluss, velg sprÃ¥k

6. Problem with access

If you cannot access the demo version or need the software for an exam that extends 30 days, contact

If you have other questions about the software or preparation for the exam, contact the information centre at your faculty.

Published Nov. 9, 2023 12:52 PM - Last modified Nov. 9, 2023 12:53 PM