Norwegian version of this page

Apply to UiO for outgoing exchange

Degree students at the University of Oslo (bachelor-, master- or professional programme) can apply for exchange. 

For Erasmus+ and Nordplus agreements you must have completed a total of 30 ECTS. For bilateral agreements and Nordlys agreements, you must have completed 60 ECTS by the application deadline.

Please note that some agreements may have other requirements. See each agreement for more details.

Step 1: Log on to Søknadsweb

Log on Søknadsweb

  • Complete the information in "My profile"
  • At the bottom of the My profile page you will be asked whether UiO can 1) download Norwegian high school results and 2) download results from other Norwegian institutions of higher education. If you confirm, you will not have to upload this information. 
  • Click next and continue to Choose admission -> Utveksling (exchange)

Step 2: Find the relevant agreements

  • The exchange agreements are organised in nine different application alternatives. For example, you find agreements with the Faculty of Law in the UT-JF alternative and Faculty of Humanities in UT-HF. University wide UiO agreements are in UT-UIO.
  • You can apply for up to three agreements in these applications: UT-UIO, UT-HF, UT-SV, UT-MN, UT-OD, UT-UV, UT-TF and UT-MED
  • You can apply for up to five agreements in these applications: -UT-JF and UT-MEDICINE 
  • NOTE! Although you have many application alternatives, this does not mean that you are qualified. Please check the agreements you are interested in, and make sure you meet the requirements. You can start by finding out which agreements are recommended for your programme of study. 
  • Additional information: If you want to share additional information with us in Søknadsweb that might be relevant for your application, you can use the comment field marked "extra information". 

Step 3: Upload documentation

The different UT applications have different requirements and you are responsible for uploading necessary documentation. 


What documentation do I need?







- Language proficiency

- Higher education other than UiO

- Statement of purpose - selected agreements only-> check the relevant agreement

- Letter of recommendation - selected agreements only-> check the relevant agreement



- Language proficiency

- Higher education other than UiO

- Letter of recommendation - for the faculty


- Language proficiency:

  • Bilateral agreements and LL.M: Norwegian high school result 4 or higher, transcript of records must be uploaded in English. 
  • Erasmus+: Norwegian high school result or a document that briefly describes where you learned the language.

- Higher education other than UiO: transcript of records from the external institution, for students who completed parts of their law degree in for example Bergen or Tromsø.


- Information in Norwegian only.

 Språkkunnskaper: ved søknad om utveksling utenfor Skandinavia som sannsynliggjør at du er i stand til å følge undervisningen. Hvis du ikke kan dokumentere det, må du i motivasjonsbrevet redegjøre for hvordan du skal skaffe deg tilstrekkelige språkkunnskaper. 

- Motivasjonsbrev (til fakultetet)

- Dokumentasjon på poenggivende aktivitet (kun profesjon)

How to document language proficiency?

  • If you have a high school diploma from a Norwegian high school, you can allow UiO to download the results from the NVB database. You will not have to upload anything. 
  • If you have a high school diploma from IB or a high school abroad, you must upload your diploma in Søknadsweb.
  • If the English result from high school is insufficient, a statement confirming that you have been enrolled in courses taught in English at UiO might be accepted. Check the specific language requirements of the relevant agreement.
  • If the agreement requires a language test, you must upload the test result before the deadline.

How to document previous higher education?

  • If you have higher education from another Norwegian institution and has agreed to share this with UiO in Søknadsweb, you do not need to upload anything. 
  • If you have higher education from outside Norway, you have to upload documentation. 

How to write a statement of purpose?

All students applying for agreements under UD-OD, UT-UV and UT-MED have to write a statement of purpose to the faculty.

Letter of recommendation:

  • Some agreements require a letter of recommendation. Bachelor students can order a general letter of recommendation at the faculty information centre. 

Step 5: Complete the application

  • Save the application. You will then see a receipt page with your application details. You will also receive a receipt by email. 

  • Go to New Application if you want to submit another application. 

Step 5: Make a complete list of priorities

  • Only if you have submitted more than one UT application. 
  • It is not possible to make priorities in Søknadsweb across different UT applications. We therefore ask you to submit an online form where you are asked to prioritise all the alternatives you have applied for across the different applications.
  • It is important that you make a complete list of priorities, otherwise we will not know which alternatives you prefer.

Step 6: Change your application

  • Søknadsweb closes at 23:59 on 15 February/15 September. You can make changes up until this point. 

Step 7: Result

  • You will get the result by email within two weeks after the application deadline, and you have to accept or decline the offer in Søknadsweb.
  • Even though you submitted several UT applications (applications for outgoing exchange), you will only get one offer.
  • If you accept the offer you can still withdraw later. 
  • Please note: This is not a final offer from the partner university abroad, you will still have to submit an application directly to them. The partner will decide the final outcome of this application. 
  • Your contact person at UiO will send you an email with information about the final application process.


Questions about the application? Find contact information

Published Dec. 20, 2019 9:03 AM - Last modified Jan. 11, 2023 9:09 AM