Learning outcomes

The Master’s Degree in East Asian Studies aims at training students to work critically and methodically with both the English translations of the primary sources and secondary research literature within the field of East Asian studies. The main emphasis is laid on the complex, historically and culturally informed analysis of the multifaceted socio-political and ideological issues in the comparative regional prospective. During the first year of the The Master’s Degree in East Asian Studies, students will be trained in analysing primary sources and secondary literature related to East Asian studies, and in using varied sociological, cultural studies, and historical approaches in the analysis of the key issues of East Asian modernity. During the second year, the students will prepare a Master’s Degree dissertation. The The Master’s Degree in East Asian Studiesis an interdisciplinary course with a broad regional reach, and aims at training students to work independently with topics in East Asian studies, both in the humanitarian and social science fields. The The Master’s Degree in East Asian Studies aims at qualifying students for work in the cultural, educational and research sectors.

Published June 6, 2012 10:00 AM