Programme structure

1st and 2nd semester (60 credits):

The first year of the Master's Degree comprises the methodical and theoretical basis for independent work on the master's thesis.

Compulsory courses (40 credits):

Freely chosen courses (20 credits):

It is possible to apply for recognition of 10 credits taken in other subjects when these can be seen as relevant for the candidate’s subject area for the dissertation.

3rd and 4th semester (60 credits):

• A Master’s Degree dissertation :

The dissertation is to comprise 70 to 100 pages and is to be an individual research work. The dissertation counts 60 credits. The subject for the dissertation may be chosen from a wide range of topics associated with East Asian culture. The dissertation is written in English. The 6 different courses are taken during the first two semesters. The dissertation is written during the last two semesters.


If you want to complete a masters degree with more labour market relevant courses, you may choose this alternative: After completion of the first 60 credits of courses you take the course International Project Semester(AAS4900) and after that write a 30 credit master thesis.

The course can be only taken in combination with the course AAS4900 (International project semester) and presupposes that the student has been already enrolled for the course AAS4900.

The order of completion of the course of study is as follows:

4. semester EAST4592 – Master's Thesis in East Asian Studies (30 ECTS) (discontinued) or EAST4590 – Master's Thesis in East Asian Studies (discontinued)
3. semester AAS4900 – International Project Term in Asia and Africa (continued) or EAST4590 – Master's Thesis in East Asian Studies (discontinued)
2. semester Compulsory and freely chosen courses 30 credits
1. semester Compulsory and freely chosen courses 30 credits
  10 ECTS credits 10 ECTS credits 10 ECTS credits

Courses that are no longer offerede:

Diploma and degree

The diploma is issued when you have completed the courses that meet the requirements for a degree. Read more about diplomas.

Published June 6, 2012 10:00 AM - Last modified July 23, 2015 10:02 AM