Why choose this programme option?

PS! From fall 2019 this programme option will be replaced by the programme option Japanese Studies. Applicants are referred to Japanese Studies.

Japan is a vibrant nation. It boasts the third largest economy of the world, it is the centre of technological innovation, and its visual popular culture enthrals young audiences around the world.

For many in the West, Japan has remained an attractive mystery. How to make sense of the high level of globalised industrialisation in combination with a traditional culture that is as vibrant as ever? How to understand Japan’s urbanised modernisation in the light of collectivist social mores that only seem to change very slowly?

These and many other questions are the object of study and research in this master's programme. Its courses will focus on modern Japanese culture, history, international relations, politics, religion, society, literature, and language.

The programme is directed at students who want to develop their competence in the field of modern Japan by using their language skills. In comparison with the bachelor's programme, the master's programme involves further academic training, with relevant theory and methodology and active student participation in the form of presentations and discussion.

The relatively short time-span of the programme implies that you will have to decide upon the theme of your thesis as soon as possible and select related courses. You will be able to select a topic of your own choice for an in-depth study with expert supervision.

Published June 6, 2012 10:00 AM - Last modified Sep. 25, 2018 11:39 AM