
For students accepted to Tibetan Studies (Master's programme) not later than autumn 2011. New programme option will be: "East Asian Culture and History (starting autumn 2012).

Application process for non-EU/EEA applicants

Application process for EU/EEA/Swiss applicants

Online application in SøknadsWeb is available in mid-March.


No tuition fees

Admission requirements

Admission to master's degree studies requires:

  • Higher Education Entrance Qualification and a completed bachelor's degree comparable to a Norwegian bachelor's degree. Applicants with foreign education, please refer to the country list.
  • a specialization defined by the programme
  • a minimum grade average of C (in the Norwegian grading scale) or equivalent from the specialization in your degree.
  • a language requirement documented by one of the tests/exams below:
    a) Passed examination in English foundation course (140 hours/5 periods per week) with a minimum grade of 4 in Norwegian upper secondary school (or an equivalent grade from a Nordic upper secondary school) or passed examination in English from second and/or third school year in Norwegian upper secondary school, or
    b) An internationally recognised English language proficiency test.

Required specialization

Specialization requirement defined by the programme

  • Basic competence in Tibetan language
  • A Bachelor in one of the following programs offered at the University of Oslo, or an equivalent Bachelor from other universities: Asian and African Studies, Culture and Ideas Studies, Religious Studies, Social Anthropology, History, Women and Gender Studies, Sociology, Political Science, Development Studies, Archaeology, Art History and Conservation and Language.


  • Basic competence in Tibetan language
  • A Bachelor degree in Tibetan Studies. This is at present not offered in Norway, but may be obtained from Copenhagen University.


  • 40 credits in history of religion, including these subjects, are highly recommended:
  • [emne:REL2230]
  • [emne:REL3010]
  • [emne:REL3070]
  • Those who will work extensively with Tibetan primary sources are recommended to go abroad to study Tibetan language between the BA and MA either at: Tibet University (TU), at Copenhagen University, or at Oxford University.
  • Those who want to write their dissertation on a topic where a basic knowledge in Chinese and Sanskrit languages is useful, the 40-credit unit offered at UiO is recommended

Ranking of applicants

Applicants are ranked according to their grade average in the specialization of their degree. Applicants who cannot be ranked according to their grade average, will be ranked on the basis of an individual assessment.

You normally cannot be admitted to a master's degree programme or study option within the same subject area as a previously completed master's degree at the University of Oslo.

Recognition of prior education

If you have previous higher education, you may apply for specific recognition of this education as part of your degree. Education from both Norwegian and non-Norwegian higher education institutions may be recognised. Recognition depends upon whether the education meets the specific requirements of your degree. Read more about recognition of prior education.

Tuition fees

Students with citizenship from a country outside the EU/EEA and Switzerland must pay tuition fees from the academic year 2023/2024, unless they qualify for an exemption. Read more about tuition fees.