Why choose this certificate?

Sustainability and democracy are crucial civic values, but their relationship is not without challenges. This Honours Certificate is a unique opportunity to learn to how to use corpora and engage in collaborative analysis and debate with students from different countries.

Make a difference in the debate about the Sustainable Goals Agenda

  • You will develop an ability to critique taken-for-granted, singular definitions of key concepts that do not attend to historical, disciplinary and cultural diversity 
  • You will be able to support your arguments with empirical data and theoretical sophistication.

Increase your employability

  • You will develop transferable skills in data analysis.
  • You will stand out from the crowd by providing critical, empirically supported analyses that combine quantitative data with insight and accountability.

Work across disciplines and countries

  • You will learn from an international and highly qualified team of experts.
  • You will work in small interdisciplinary teams.

Take charge and be creative

  • Work will be student-driven. Students will decide on the concepts to explore and empowered to ask new questions and develop new perspectives. 


International study environment

Concepts that matter – Debating Democracy is an Honours Certificate to students registered in a master programme at the five following European universities:

  • University of Belgrade
  • University of Perugia
  • Universite Paris Cité
  • University of Agder
  • University of Oslo

The certificate has six study places available for each university.

The Honours Certificate is an interdisciplinary certificate including Health Science, Political Science, Public Administration, Sociology, Law, Translation, Modern Languages and Communication Studies.

The Honours Certificate consists of two modules

The certificate runs simultaneously with your main Master's programme and consists of two modules. The first module aims to familiarize students with practices of conceptual analysis and existing literature on key concepts in social and political life, most notably democracy, sustainability and related concepts.

  • The first module will be taught in a series of eight blended-learning seminars held simultaneously at the five different participating institutions. Summative assessment will be in the form of group presentations.
  • The second module aims to provide students with training in corpus analysis, with a particular focus on the use of corpora for conceptual analysis. The module will involve a series of four blended-learning seminars, followed by face-to-face datathon held at each partner university. This datathon will take place over three days in April 2025 and is free.  

You will engage in cross-disciplinary collaboration

This Honours Certificate has a strong focus on student participation and interdisciplinary collaboration. You will learn from an international team of highly qualified researchers and take part in innovative student-driven activities. Digital tools will enable autonomous, flexible learning. 

You should choose this certificate if you want to

  • Communicate effectively with a wide range of stakeholders across different sectors, developing communication strategies, policies and training programs for effective communication in the workplace.
  • Gather and analyse evidence to develop and support policies in the public sector, private organizations, or non-governmental organizations (NGOs).
  • Work collaboratively across disciplines and cultures.
  • Understand the complexity of taken-for-granted concepts that underpin social and political practices, how they contribute to the status quo and how they could be drivers or obstacles to progress.
  • Have a heightened sense of civic engagement and willingness to participate meaningfully in the various debates taking place in our democratic societies



Published Feb. 14, 2024 11:58 AM - Last modified June 18, 2024 1:01 PM