Full description of the programme MNM2-ENT

Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management (master's 2-years)

Duration: 2 years

Credits: 120

Organization: Full time study

Responsible faculty: Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

Programme name

Entrepenørskap og innovasjonsledelse (bokmål)
Entrepenørskap og innovasjonsleiing (nynorsk)
Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management (english)

Why choose this programme?

In today’s rapidly changing world, the ability to adapt to changes and seize new opportunities is more important than ever. As a student you will develop the necessary entrepreneurial abilities to succeed in such an environment, whether you want to help transform existing companies, dream of starting your own venture, or simply want to expand your career horizon.

Les også 8 gode grunner til å studere entreprenørskap og innovasjonsledelse ved Universitetet i Oslo (In Norwegian)

A brief description of the programme

Many people think that being an entrepreneur only means starting your own company. This is not entirely true. In fact, in developed economies entrepreneurship most often occurs in well-established companies. In general, entrepreneurship is the ability to successfully develop and bring to market captivating products and services that solve challenging problems, in a highly uncertain environment, often under considerable time constraints with very limited resources.

People are not born entrepreneurs, entrepreneurship can be learned! The focus of the programme is to provide students with comprehensive knowledge of core business disciplines and to develop critical entrepreneurial skills and mindset needed in order to successfully lead and manage these processes.

Key facts about the programme

  • Designed for students with an educational background within natural sciences, technology or medical sciences as a vehicle to expand future career options into leading new product or market initiatives in existing organizations or starting their own business. Previous education within business- and entrepreneurship related topics are neither assumed nor necessary. In order to further develop your field of expertise, you are required to take one elective master course within natural sciences, technology or medical sciences.
  • A practice-based programme accelerating learning through real-world experience. Entrepreneurship is taught through a combination of courses and by utilizing own experiences from practicing entrepreneurship in both a student driven start-up project and in a corporate environment. Many of the courses are group based, offering an opportunity to develop necessary skills required to effectively work in and lead teams in a safe environment.
  • Faculty with extensive business experience and academic competence that together creates an optimal knowledge basis by combining practical experience and knowhow with the latest cutting-edge business tools and theories as well as pedagogic experience.

Top three reasons to choose this programme

  • You aspire to be an innovation manager in an existing firm. This programme will enable you to become an innovative leader within established organizations by providing you with comprehensive knowledge and vigorous training on how to evaluate, plan, execute, and sustain innovative new products and services that bring value to individuals, organizations, and communities around the world.
  • You dream of starting your own company, maybe not now, but after gaining sufficient work experience and industry knowhow. Within this programme you will learn how to identify new ideas and opportunities, turn them into a working business, sustain competitive advantage, and strategically grow your company.
  • You want to stay competitive in an increasingly interdisciplinary and changing work climate. One of the main goals of this programme is to foster an entrepreneurial mindset that will enable you to successfully adapt, innovate and stay resilient in the face of unstable and constantly changing organizational and societal environments.

Master's thesis

You can write your master's thesis on the topic you are the most passionate about. Write it alone, in groups, or in collaboration with a company! The master's thesis is a great opportunity to further develop both your understanding of the chosen topic and your research skills. This can become a starting point of your academic career!

Study environment

The Master of Science in Entrepreneurship Innovation Management programme offers a small, engaging and challenging study environment with likeminded students from around the world.

The programme is located in the University of Oslo’s most modern and coolest building which is part of a vibrant entrepreneurial ecosystem including several incubators, industry cluster organizations, and a science park hosting a multitude of innovative companies.

The University of Oslo also offers a host of very active student organizations covering a wide range of interests.

Studies abroad

You will have a unique opportunity to hone your entrepreneurial skills and perspectives by spending 10 weeks in a highly competitive and internationally recognized start-up ecosystem in Boston, San Francisco or Toronto. You will work in a local innovative start-up company and take a course at an internationally recognized university. This is part of the Gründerskolen programme (in Norwegian).

Career prospects

The Master of Science in Entrepreneurship Innovation Management programme gives students the opportunity to combine their science and engineering background with business skills. Having this combination is highly beneficial and relevant in both well-established organizations as well as in start-ups. As such, the programme provides the students with knowledge and capabilities that open the door to several career paths:

  • Founding your own business or joining a start-up; not necessarily right after your studies but also later in your career after building relevant sector-specific know-how and network
  • Start working in an established company as a business developer, project manager, management trainee, management consultant or investment manager in a range of knowledge based sectors. Such sectors include ICT services, biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, and energy

Students planning to continue in academia can pursue a PhD in innovation and entrepreneurship. Read more about career opportunities.

Learning outcomes

The Master of Science in Entrepreneurship Innovation Mangement programme provides you with cutting-edge knowledge and skills on how to successfully develop captivating products and services to solve challenging problems in a highly uncertain environment, often under considerable time constraints with very limited resources. You will be able to apply these skills in the context of both new ventures as well as in established companies.

Learning outcome for students attending this study programme 2017 or earlier.

Specifically, after completing a Master of Science in Entrepreneurship Innovation Management you will have developed:


  • You have developed advanced knowledge on how to assess business opportunities and an in-depth understanding of what typically characterize successes and failures:
    • You understand different methods to assess the attractiveness of business opportunities
    • You understand what characterizes an attractive business opportunity and common pitfalls during the entrepreneurial process
  • You have developed advanced knowledge about key processes necessary to bring new products and services to market and key challenges facing the entrepreneur at different stages of the entrepreneurial voyage:
    • You understand the key risks and the most effective processes in bringing different types of products or services to market
    • You understand different methods that can be used to minimize uncertainties at different stages of the entrepreneurial process
    • You understand the dynamics of how teams develop and function as well as the various types of conflicts that can arise during teamwork
  • You have developed an understanding of scientific research methods and theories relevant for the field:
    • You understand different innovation and entrepreneurship theories and their implications
    • You understand the various scientific research methods commonly used to study innovation, entrepreneurship and new technology


  • You are able to assess the commercial viability of new technologies, business opportunities and existing companies:
    • You are able collect and analyse data to assess the attractiveness of new business opportunities in regards to the market, the industry, and the team
    • You are able to detect weaknesses and strengths within a business opportunity, and give suggestions of how to improve these weaknesses and utilize these strengths
  • You are able to plan, organize, and execute a project or new venture with the goal of bringing new products and service to the market:
    • You are able to transform an initial idea into a fully-fledged business opportunity and effectively communicate this opportunity through a business plan and pitch
    • You are able to design, organize, and lead a team with the goal of bringing new products and services to market
    • You are able to adapt to changing circumstances that occur during the entrepreneurial process
  • You are able to carry out scientific research in the field of entrepreneurship
    • You are able to identify and develop relevant research topics
    • You are able to apply advanced scientific research methods to investigate selected research topics

General competences

  • You have improved your interpersonal and collaborative skills
    • You have developed your skills in effectively working in and leading professional teams
    • You have developed your ability to communicate across cultures and disciplines
  • You can effectively combine your understanding of technology and entrepreneurship in a cross-disciplinary fashion to identify and develop attractive opportunities within your field of experience
    • You understand how technology can be utilized to improve company performance
    • You have an holistic approach when working in technology projects
    • You can effectively present and communicate opportunities to both a technical- and a business-oriented audience
  • You can write scientific reports and communicate the results in a professional manner
    • You can write comprehensive scientific reports that can effectively communicate your research findings to colleagues and experts in the field of entrepreneurship
    • You can effectively discuss your own research findings and the research findings of others at professional seminars and workshops


Get your admission requirements and application deadline for this programme by following our guide.

Check your admission requirements and when to apply

Answer three questions in our admission guide to get

  • your application deadline

  • admission requirements

  • which documents to submit

  • access to the application portal Søknadsweb

Check my requirements

Selected program requirements (visible to UiO employees only)

Available places


Required specialization

Bachelor's degree

You must have a bachelor’s degree comparable to a Norwegian bachelor’s degree.

Required specialization and minimum grade requirement

You must have a minimum grade average comparable to a Norwegian C in the required specialization. A Norwegian C is described as a good grade, generally comparable to an American B and a Second Class Upper in the British system. We do not use conversion tables for foreign grades. All foreign education is individually evaluated during the admission process.

Please note that eligible applicants who fulfill the minimum grade requirement will compete for a study place. Please see the section on ranking for more information on selection criteria.

The required specialization consists of minimum of 80 ECTS credits within one of the following areas:

  • Mathematics and Natural Sciences: either Bioscience, Chemistry, Geosciences, Informatics, Mathematics, Pharmaceutical Science or Physics
  • Medical Sciences: either Basic and clinical subjects within Medicine, Odontology or Veterinary Sciences
  • Technology and Engineering: either Civil, Electronics, Energy, Environmental, Information- and Communication, Marine, Material, Mechanical, Medical or Process

Please note that it is not possible to combine different areas to cover the requirement. For example, the requirement is covered by 80 ECTS in Physics, it is not covered by 40 ECTS in Physics and 40 ECTS in Chemistry.

Further documentation for this program

You must document that you meet the admission requirements above by uploading documentation.

In addition applicants to this programme must upload the following documentation:

  • CV
  • Motivation letter

Your motivation letter should be between ½ page – maximum 1 page, addressing the following:

  • Why are you applying to this program and what are your expectations?
  • What are you passionate about outside your work and studies? Describe an extracurricular activity you are particularly proud of and why it was important to you.
  • What kind of experiences do you have from working in teams and how do you function in such settings?
  • How do you see your ability to meet the full time requirement attending lectures and participate in group work throughout the program?

Ranking of applicants

Selection is based on your academic performance in the required subjects for this programme.

Admission to this programme is usually highly competitive. Please note that even if you fulfill the minimum grade requirement, you are not guaranteed a study place in the programme.

If an applicant has more than 80 ECTS credits in the required specialization, the 80 ECTS credits with the highest grades will form the grade average. Additional points may be given for statement of purpose and commitment as expressed in the motivation letter.

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