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Messages - Page 8

Published Nov. 3, 2022 11:21 AM

Dear 3rd-semester master's student!

On 24 October you all received an email requesting to answer the annual questionnaire Studiebarometeret. The questionnaire takes 10-12 minutes to complete.

The survey is conducted by NOKUT on behalf of the Ministry of Education. NOKUT sends a personal link to the survey via e-mail and SMS.

A high response rate is important for us to get good data about your study programme. By participating, you can win great prizes such as a NOK 5,000 gift card, a NOK 1,000 gift card, a drink bottle, a cool bag and a power bank. In addition, your contribution is included in competition with the other programs at MN faculty to win a pizza night for your programme. There are prizes for the bachelor's program and the master's program with the highest response rate at MN faculty, in addition to a separate class for programs with more than 80 respondents.

Currently, 12% of the 3rd-semester mast...

Published Nov. 1, 2022 12:55 PM

Hei, siste års bachelorstudent eller første års masterstudent ved Institutt for geofag!

Vi søker deg som er interessert i å lage tynnslip ved instituttets tynnsliplaboratorium. Du må ha en viss kunnskap om mineraler og bergarter, og du bør være nøyaktig og praktisk anlagt.

Du må kunne tiltre raskt og jobbe noe på hverdager/ettermiddager med å ta unna køen, og deretter som en  sommerjobb.

Det vil bli en lønnet prøveperiode på én måned for å teste de nødvendige ferdighetene, og du vil få opplæring.

Hvis du er interessert, så send snarest en kort søknad til Thor Thorsen,, med oppdatert CV og begrunnelse for hvorfor du mener du er egnet til dette arbeidet.

Published Oct. 28, 2022 2:58 PM

To you who are second- and fifth-year students, as well as third-year bachelor's students - UiO needs to hear your opinion


Studiebarometeret is a nationwide student survey where you can provide UiO with important information about how you experience the quality of your study programme. With your answers, you contribute to make our studies even better.


The survey is conducted by NOKUT on behalf of the Ministry of Education. Nokut sends a personal link to the survey via e-mail and SMS.


A high response rate is important for us to get good data about your study programme. By participating, you can win great prizes such as a NOK 5,000 gift card, NOK 1,000 gift card, drink bottle, cool bag and power bank. In addition, your contribution is included in a competition wi...

Published Sep. 16, 2022 3:33 PM

Information meeting on exchange to Svalbard (UNIS) autumn 2022 Go on exchange to the world's northernmost campus, 78 ° north! As a science student at UiO, you can take courses at the University Center on Svalbard (UNIS) as part of your degree. UNIS offers bachelor, master and PhD level courses in four fields: Arctic Biology, Arctic Geology, Arctic Geophysics and Arctic Technology. You meet an international study environment, and you collaborate with researchers who are experts in Arctic disciplines.

This semesters information meeting about UNIS will be held at Monday 19 September at Aud. 2, Vilhelm Bjerknes building from 4:15 PM until 5:30 PM. Find more information here: ...

Published Sep. 14, 2022 11:44 AM

Hei, studenter på master!Promobilde: Karriereuka 2022 UiO

Visste du at vi har et eget karrieresenter på Blindern? De er proffe, erfarne og har mange gode tips til deg som er masterstudent. Deres motto er å tenke karriere tidlig i studieløpet.

Karrieresenteret tar i mot studenter med spørsmål, funderinger og tvil rundt valg av jobb i framtiden. De tilbyr også kurs i CV- og søknadsskriving.

I neste uke arrangerer de dessuten karriereuke som du kan lese om her:

Karriereuka 19.–22. september 2022 - Karrieresenteret (

Karrieresenteret holder til i Frederikkebygningen, midt på campus. Bruk dem!