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Messages - Page 9

Published Sep. 5, 2022 11:48 AM

Interessert i geofarer? Geofaredagen er et møtested og nasjonal konferanse for studenter, undervisere og alle som jobber med geofarer i Norge. Årets Geofaredag er 18.-19. oktober, og i år arrangeres konferansen av NTNU.Geofaredagen 2022 / Logo NTNU

Konferansens målsetning er å nå dagens og fremtidens forskere innenfor geofare, undervisere og andre som jobber med geofarer. Konferansen er på norsk, men bidrag på engelsk blir også akseptert.

Målgruppen for Geofaredagen er først og fremst studenter som arbeider med mastergrad, doktorgrad, eller som nettopp har avsluttet studiet – dette er neste generasjons geofareforskere. På konferansen kan deltagerne utveksle erfaringer og møte fagmiljøet som arbeider med geofarer. Konferansen også ment å være ...

Published Aug. 17, 2022 5:29 PM

We'd just like to inform you of the possibility to activate a digital mailbox if you do not already have this. 

Decision letters from the university (and the Norwegian authorities) can easily be accessed through your digital mailbox, whereas they otherwise will be printed and sent to your postal mail address. 

You can of course decide not to use a digital mailbox if that is what you prefer! Have a look at frequently asked questions (FAQ) regarding this, and if you like, more information can be found here:

Published Aug. 8, 2022 10:50 AM

We have two vacancies at the Department of Geosciences to add subtitles to teaching videos. Initially, it applies to videos for use in the course GEO4034 Geohazards, but if the work is completed quickly, it may apply to material in other courses as well. The work will be paid by the hour based on your educational level. Note that the videos will be subtitled in English, so you must have a good understanding of English, both orally and in writing.


At UiO, there is an auto-texting program that can be used as a starting point, but it will in any case require some post-work and editing to ensure that the meaning is presented correctly.


Application and questions about the position can be directed to Karianne S Lilleøren (

Published June 30, 2022 9:45 AM

Welcome as a new student at the Department of Geosciences. This is a welcome meeting for all new students in the master programme Geosciences and CS: Geoscience with useful information about the studies and study start. 

It is mandatory to meet and if you are unable to attend, you must give us a notice of your absence in advance.

Get more information about study start and the programme for the meeting!

Best regards, 
Study administration 
Department of Geosciences

Published June 21, 2022 12:33 PM


Summer is comming! 

The study admin will be operating in a reduced capacity in week 27 and 28, and will be fully closed in week 29 and 30.

And we're back in a reduced capacity in week 31 and 32.

Remember that the easiest place to reach us is: 

Enjoy your summer! See you in August!

Best regards from us in the Study administration