Guest lecture "Environmental History of the Arctic: a view from Russia"

ISS is hosting an exciting lecture next week:

"Environmental History of the Arctic: a view from Russia" by Julia Lajus, Associate Professor at the Department of History, St. Petersburg School of Humanities and Arts, National Research University Higher School of Economics.

Associate professor Julia Lajus

Environmental history of the Arctic recently experienced a rapid growth that is connected with exceptional vulnerability of the Arctic during the Anthropocene era and especially under rapid climate change. During the last two decades Julia Lajus participated in several large international projects in environmental history, providing a Russian dimension in a general narrative of history of man and nature relations in the North and the Arctic. In this overview presentation she will analyze the status and future trends of environmental history research on the Arctic region based on that experience.

About the lecturer

Julia Lajus is an Associate Professor of Department of History, St. Petersburg School of Humanities and Arts of the National Research University Higher School of Economics. She is a Head of Laboratory for Environmental and Technological History and Academic director of International Master Programme in Applied and Interdisciplinary History “Usable Pasts”. Her research interests include environmental and technological history of biological resources, especially in marine and polar areas and history of field sciences such as fisheries science, oceanography and geophysics. Julia Lajus published four coauthored and edited books in Russian and about twenty chapters in monographs published by leading international publishers and papers in international journals. In 2011-2015 Julia Lajus served as vice-president of the European Society of Environmental History (ESEH). 

Published Oct. 18, 2018 12:23 PM - Last modified Oct. 18, 2018 12:23 PM