Full description of the programme SVM2-HGO

Human Geography (master's 2-years)

Duration: 2 years

Credits: 120

Organization: Full time study

Responsible faculty: Faculty of Social Sciences

Programme name

Human Geography (english)

Why choose this programme?

All places –small or large, rich or poor, near or far– are unique yet connected to a multitude of other places at the same time. With a master’s degree in Human Geography you learn to understand the difference that place makes and how local and global processes intertwine and produce change around the world. 

This programme aims to provide an understanding of social processes within the context of space and place. In a world facing climate change, meeting sustainability challenges require a combined approach sensitive to context and inequalities. With us you will learn how economic, political, social and cultural processes manifest themselves in a variety of spaces across the world, in cities, regionally or globally,and how the properties of places influence broader social processes in the global North and South.

  • You can choose courses to fit your academic interests. We offer courses in urban studies, climate change adaptation, socio-environmental change, development and politics, and economic and labour geography.
  • The programme’s methodological courses offer a choice of methods available to geographers, including Geographical Information Systems.
  • You can conduct independent fieldwork research for your master’s thesis, in Norway or abroad.
  • You can experience working life through our internship course with relevant partner institutions from the public and private sector in the Oslo region. 
  • You can link up your master thesis work with ongoing research projects at the department and among partner institutions, such as NIBR, TØI, ISF and FAFO.
  • Working on your master’s thesis you conduct independent research and develop your analytical skills under the supervision of our leading human geography team.
  • You can choose writing a 60 credits or a 30 credits masters’ thesis. You can choose to study a semester abroad through the University of Oslo’s wide exchange agreements.

With a master’s degree in Human Geography you will be prepared for a knowledge-intensive career that demands practical methodological skills. Human geographers work in areas such as urban and regional planning, public policy and administration, civil society organizations, international organizations, and academic research.

Read about student experiences

Discover Your Future

Preparing for life after graduation is a process that takes time and starts early. We have created a program to make it easier for you to discover your options along the way and make way for good choices later. You will learn more about how you can plan and set goals for yourself, and what you may not be able to plan for. You will gain insight into what may be relevant experiences on the way forward and how you can use your time to explore your options for further education or work. You will also get concrete tools along the way that you can use to find your direction.

Read more

Honours certificate

Are you academically ambitious? It is possible to supplement your master`s degree with an honours certificate worth 20 credits. You take the certificate concurrently with the master`s programme. 


Learning outcomes

What distinguishes human geography from other social sciences is the study of social processes in terms of space and place. At the Master Programme in Human Geography you learn to understand the spatial connections and complexities of the social world, developing the analytical capabilities to examine the relationship between local processes and conditions and those at the national and global scale.

Learning objectives


  • You have in-depth knowledge of the history of human geographic thought.
  • You have advanced empirical and theoretical knowledge within one or more of the following areas: urban studies and planning, climate change adaptation, environment and social transformations, development and politics, and economic and labour geography.
  • You have in-depth understanding of the spatial connections and complexities of the social world in meeting the challenges of socio-environmental sustainability.
  • You have in-depth knowledge of advanced methodological tools and can assess their appropriate use for the analysis of specific issues.


You will be able to:

  • employ analytical, spatial perspectives to new research questions.
  • to examine the relationship between local processes and conditions and those at the national and global scale.
  • formulate precise research questions, develop a good research design and structure sound argumentation in the analysis of specific issues.
  • apply scientific methods and tools to the analysis of empirical and theoretical problems and contribute to their understanding and solution.
  • conduct an independent and clearly delineated piece of research in line with academic and methodological standards and ethical guidelines.
  • present and write knowledge-based material to an academic standard.

General competence

You will be able to:

  • Communicate research effectively to other experts and the general public.
  • Systematically and analytically acquire and communicate new knowledge.
  • Independently assess and reflect upon the methodological, ethical and practical challenges of research.
  • Initiate and provide constructive input to professional development activities.
  • Independently conduct focused research projects.
  • Contribute to the working environment on the basis of knowledge and experience.


Get your admission requirements and application deadline for this programme by following our guide.

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  • your application deadline

  • admission requirements

  • which documents to submit

  • access to the application portal Søknadsweb

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Available places


Required specialization

Bachelor's degree

You must have a bachelor’s degree comparable to a Norwegian bachelor’s degree.

Required specialization and minimum grade requirement

You must have a minimum grade average comparable to a Norwegian C in the required specialization. A Norwegian C is described as a good grade, generally comparable to an American B and a Second Class Upper in the British system. We do not use conversion tables for foreign grades. All foreign education is individually evaluated during the admission process.

Please note that eligible applicants who fulfill the minimum grade requirement will compete for a study place. Please see the section on ranking for more information on selection criteria.

Required specialization:

  • A major or specialization constituting at least 80 ECTS credits in Human Geography or equivalent specializations deemed relevant for the programme. 
    • The 80 ECTS credits must include an introductory course in Human Geography or equivalent.

    • Equivalent specialization must have a clear social science and geography-oriented profile.

For students who have completed their bachelor's degree at the University of Oslo, the following forms the basis for admission:

  • 90-group in Human Geography OR
  • A completed bachelor's programme in Development Studies (UTV) with a specialization in Human Geography.
    • For applicants who have completed the interdisciplinary Bachelor's programme in Development Studies, the basis for admission is: SGO1001, SOSGEO1120, SGO2302, SGO2400, SGO2500, SGO3200 or SGO3300 and UTV3091 (bachelor's thesis). If you were admitted to the programme before 2018, previous versions of these courses will form the basis for admission.

Ranking of applicants

Selection is based on your academic performance in the required subjects for this programme.

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