Full description of the programme HFM2-IBS

Ibsen Studies (master's 2-years)

Duration: 2 years

Credits: 120

Organization: Full time study

Responsible faculty: Faculty of Humanities

Programme name

Ibsen Studies (bokmål)
Ibsen Studies (nynorsk)
Ibsen Studies (english)

Why choose this programme?

Why is Ibsen still relevant? What accounts for the global success of A Doll’s House? How do people from different cultures use Ibsen’s works to talk about democracy, human rights, and environmental issues? What role does Ibsen play in Norway’s cultural diplomacy? Join our Master’s programme in Ibsen Studies and explore these questions yourself!

An international and interdisciplinary Master`s degree

Ibsen Studies is an interdisciplinary master’s programme anchored in literary studies, theatre studies, cultural studies, and various social sciences. In this programme, you will acquire in-depth knowledge of the life and works of Henrik Ibsen, the figure that heavily influenced the formation of modern drama.

Through two years of intensive studies, you will be part of an international community of students, scholars and practitioners that are passionate about Ibsen’s works, their impact in today’s world, as well as the continuous renewal of his works in performing arts.

Ibsen`s relevance in theatre, film and TV

Ibsen’s dramaturgical influence is constantly seen in newer works of theatre, film and TV. In our courses, we look at the latest adaptations of Ibsen’s plays in various media, and we also examine how Ibsen’s dramaturgy may be the foundation of many original works, including blockbuster films and TV programmes.

As a student, you will have the opportunities to work with directors, playwrights, actors and dramaturgs both inside and outside the classroom through workshops and internships.

Ibsen for social changes

Being a Scandinavian playwright from the nineteenth century, Ibsen and his works are still the source of inspiration in promoting social changes in many cultures around the world.

Thanks to the diverse backgrounds of our faculty members and students, we are well equipped to engage in discussions about how Ibsen is used in public discourses in different cultural contexts.

Innovation in education and research

The Master’s programme in Ibsen Studies is offered by the Centre for Ibsen Studies (CIS) at the Department of Linguistics and Scandinavian Studies. CIS is a world-leading institution in Digital Humanities, which means that we have at our disposal the world’s largest databases on Henrik Ibsen’s works and their adaptations in different performing arts genres.

To deepen your understanding of Ibsen’s dramaturgy, you will be able to visit—in a VR model—the theatre where Ibsen did his theatrical apprenticeship. In our programme, you will learn how to integrate the most advanced digital humanities methodologies in your own research projects.

All of our digital resources can be accessed free of charge at The Virtual Ibsen Centre.

Intimate and active learning environment

Our class size is usually quite small, which encourages you to actively participate in class discussions and group projects. As part of a diverse student group, you will contribute to a vibrant learning environment where many different viewpoints rise and develop.

You have access to both one-on-one thesis supervision with your advisor and group seminars with fellow master students who are working on their theses. You will also have access to professional assistance from our own specialist librarian who maintains the CIS Library.

International networks and job opportunities

During your studies at our programme, you are invited to many forum discussions and activities, where you have a say in the development of the study programme and the improvement of student experience.

We organize regular workshops and meetings with UiO’s career counselors as well as industry persons from different sectors. UiO also organizes annual events for students to meet with alumni in order to strengthen their social and professional networks.

CIS is part of several extensive national and international networks of academic institutions and theatre organizations. As a student, you have the option of writing a shorter master’s thesis and dedicating your third semester to internship at an institution that provides you with relevant job experience. We can help connect you to different institutions for internship.

Our teaching is based on research

We conduct research on:

Learning outcomes


The candidate

  • has advanced knowledge within Ibsen studies with emphasis on one or more of the following disciplines: literature, theatre, film and media, history or cultural history
  • has a special knowledge of theories and methods related to interdisciplinary humanities research, including literary, historical, performance, film, and quantitative analyses
  • knows the history of Ibsen research and has a good grasp of the relevant source categories and reference literature related to the study of Ibsen both in Norway and internationally
  • has a thorough knowledge of the context of Ibsen’s life, practical theatre work and writings and the reception and adaptation history of Ibsen’s works from a global, intercultural perspective
  • has a solid grasp of theoretical discussions about literature as they relate to Ibsen, in particular discussions about the notion of ‘text’ and how this concept relates to theatre, film and media, and written transmission


The candidate

  • can analyze and evaluate critically various sources on Ibsen’s life and works and on the dissemination of Ibsen in other cultures and media, can contextualize these sources and use them to formulate scholarly arguments
  • has acquired a critical approach to existing theories and methods applied to Ibsen studies, in particular issues related to the uses and concepts of ‘literature’, ‘theatre’ and ‘transmission’ of texts
  • knows how to work independently with theoretical problems and how to apply these to theoretical and practical questions connected to theatre, film and media, texts and text transmission
  • can under supervision and in accordance with applicable norms for research ethics, carry out an independent, limited, cross disciplinary research project about Ibsen’s works and/or life, or the dissemination of Ibsen in other cultures and/or media

General Competence

The candidate

  • can carry out systematic, source-critical and problem orientated research on Ibsen’s life and/or works and/or the dissemination of Ibsen in other cultures and media
  • can contextualize Ibsen’s life and work in relation to other contributions to modern cultural history
  • is acquainted with various theoretical and methodological research approaches and knows how to apply these to academic fields where knowledge of Ibsen’s life and works and the dissemination of Ibsen in other cultures and media is relevant
  • knows how to assert his/her own knowledge and expertise on Ibsen studies
  • has acquired an extensive ability to write scholarly prose and to structure a written academic composition in the field of humanities using relevant terminology
  • can communicate academic knowledge of Ibsen’s life and works and/or the dissemination of Ibsen in other cultures and media with both other specialists and the general public
  • can contribute to new thinking and innovation processes for teaching, performing and disseminating Ibsen’s works, including the field of cultural administration.

Previous Master's theses

To give you an impression of the possibilities afforded by the programme, you can have a look at what previous students have written about:


Get your admission requirements and application deadline for this programme by following our guide.

Check your admission requirements and when to apply

Answer three questions in our admission guide to get

  • your application deadline

  • admission requirements

  • which documents to submit

  • access to the application portal Søknadsweb

Check my requirements

Selected program requirements (visible to UiO employees only)

Available places


Required specialization

Bachelor's degree

You must have a bachelor’s degree comparable to a Norwegian bachelor’s degree.

Required specialization and minimum grade requirement

You must have a minimum grade average comparable to a Norwegian C in the required specialization. A Norwegian C is described as a good grade, generally comparable to an American B and a Second Class Upper in the British system. We do not use conversion tables for foreign grades. All foreign education is individually evaluated during the admission process.

Please note that eligible applicants who fulfill the minimum grade requirement will compete for a study place. Please see the section on ranking for more information on selection criteria.

Required specialization: 

A specialization in humanities or social science that is relevant to Ibsen studies amounting to 80 ECTS credits.


A specialization in the following disciplines amounting to 80 ECTS credits and additionally 30 ECTS credits in humanities or social sciences

  • Informatics
  • Performing arts (theatre, film, speech and drama). Vocational education does not qualify you for admission.

Ranking of applicants

Selection is based on your academic performance in the required subjects for this programme.

Selection is based on your academic performance in your specialization.

For applicants with 30 ECTS credits in humanities or social science in addition to their specialization, the ranking will be based on 50 ECTS credits from their specialization and 30 ECTS credits in humanities or social science.

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