Programme structure

The master programme is a two year programme, consisting of a thesis and theoretical course work. The thesis is an independent scientific work, carried out under supervision.

You can choose between a long thesis (60 credits thesis, 60 credits course work) a short thesis (30 credits thesis, 90 credits course work).

All 4000- and 5000-courses are considered master level courses. Choice of thesis and curriculum is made in accordance to the programme option of your choice and together with your supervisor. At least 30 credits must be from the program structure.

The programme has two areas of specializations:

Long master thesis

4. semester Thesis work
3. semester Master courses Thesis work
2. semester Master course Master course Thesis work
1. semester Master course Master course Master course
  10 ECTS credits 10 ECTS credits 10 ECTS credits

Short master thesis

4. semester Thesis
3. semester Master courses
2. semester Master courses
1. semester Master courses
  10 ECTS credits 10 ECTS credits 10 ECTS credits

Relevant courses
Autum courses
INF4300 – Digital image analysis (continued)
INF4331 – Problem solving with high level languages (continued)
INF4470 – Digital signalbehandling (continued)
INF5620 – Numerical methods for partial differential equations (continued)
INF-BIO5121 – High Throughput Sequencing technologies and bioinformatics analysis (continued)
MAT-INF4130 – Numerical Linear Algebra (discontinued)
MAT-INF4300 – Partial differential equations and Sobolev spaces I (continued)
MAT-INF4110 – Mathematical Optimization (discontinued)

Spring courses
INF4350 – Introductory Course in Bioinformatics (continued)
INF5670 – Numeriske metoder for Navier-Stokes likninger (discontinued)
INF5840 – Computability theory (continued)
INF5860 – Machine Learning for Image Analysis (continued)
MAT-INF4310 – Partial differential equations and Sobolev spaces II (continued)

Recommended courses for Master students - Biomedical Informatics

Background from Programming and networks and similar
Autumn courses
INF4490 – Biologically Inspired Computing (continued)
INF4820 – Algorithms for artificial intelligence and natural language processing (discontinued)
INF5750 – Open Source Development (continued)
INF-BIO5121 – High Throughput Sequencing technologies and bioinformatics analysis (continued)

Spring courses
INF3380 – Parallell programming for scientific problems (continued)
INF4350 – Introductory Course in Bioinformatics (continued)
INF4800 – Søketeknologi (continued)

Background from Mathematics, informatics and technology (MIT),  or similar

Autumn courses
INF4331 – Problem solving with high level languages (continued)
INF4490 – Biologically Inspired Computing (continued)
INF4820 – Algorithms for artificial intelligence and natural language processing (discontinued)
MBV-INF4410 – Bioinformatics for Molecular Biology (continued)

Spring courses
INF3380 – Parallell programming for scientific problems (continued)
INF4800 – Søketeknologi (continued)
INF4350 – Introductory Course in Bioinformatics (continued)
INF5860 – Machine Learning for Image Analysis (continued)
UNIK4590 – Pattern Recognition (continued)

List of courses offered at the Department of Informatics

Recognition of Master courses from former education

If you are admitted to the Masters Programme and you have completed Master courses outside the University of Oslo, you may apply to have these courses recognised as part of your degree. Please contact the Department of Informatics for more information.

Published May 18, 2017 12:23 PM - Last modified Dec. 1, 2023 1:31 PM