Ongoing and completed master's projects – Page 2

Page title Published Student(s) Supervisor(s)
Analysing big simulation data on the fly Sep. 20, 2018
Analysis of the Go memory model Dec. 4, 2015
  • Stian Valle
Analysis pipeline for genome methylation experiments July 2, 2018
Analyzing the performance of lease-based systems Mar. 14, 2011
Angry RFC Debates: Towards a Better Understanding of Internet Protocol Design Oct. 3, 2022
Anomaly Detection in Knowledge Graphs Using Graph Neural Networks Sep. 17, 2020
Architectures; 5-10 Master Thesis Topics Aug. 23, 2013
Automated code generation for simulating cardiac cells Nov. 2, 2021
Benchmarking of software for mapping short sequences to a reference genome Aug. 16, 2013
Benchmarking of variant calling and mutation detection tools Aug. 19, 2013
Benchmarking system for genome assembly and/or variant calling software Oct. 25, 2012
Big Weather Data Storage and Output Analysis and Prediction Sep. 14, 2016
Bioinformatics analysis pipeline for SARS-CoV-2 sequencing Aug. 23, 2022
Bruk av generativ AI, smidig systemutvikling i stor-skala, hybrid arbeidsdag, agile coaching, møter, konsentrasjon, smidig digital transformasjon Oct. 10, 2023
Build a Twitter Data Collector Apr. 3, 2019
Building Reliable Overlays for Decentralized Topic-Based Publish/Subscribe Systems Oct. 19, 2011
Building capacity for app development in platform ecosystems Sep. 29, 2020
Building epigenetic clocks for estimating aging in life after cancer Sep. 12, 2019
Building epigenetics clocks for estimating chemical exposures Nov. 17, 2021
Building sustainable feedback loops between end users and global software designers Sep. 20, 2022
Channel Allocation for Wi-Fi 6 Oct. 5, 2023
Collaborative Filtering and Sub/Supertypes for Better Recommendations Oct. 4, 2017
Collaborative editing in emacs Jan. 2, 2015
  • Lars Tveito
Comparison of OTTR Ontology Templates with Semantic Web Languages SPARQL and SHACL Sep. 17, 2020
Comparison of object-location strategies for collaborative Wikipedia hosting Sep. 7, 2011