Ongoing and completed master's projects – Page 3

Page title Published Student(s) Supervisor(s)
Compressing short reads from high-throughput DNA sequencing June 6, 2011
Computational detection of chimeric sequences Sep. 28, 2015
Computational prediction of ribosomal RNAs Oct. 2, 2014
Concurrent Multipath Transfer for the Linux Kernel SCTP Sep. 19, 2012
Configuration of Android app for Community Health Workers Aug. 15, 2016
Consistency protocol for decentralized data replication in collaborative Wikipedia Hosting Sep. 7, 2011
Contributing to large open-source software libraries June 6, 2011
Covid-19 Oct. 5, 2020
Creating a highly dynamic benchmarking system June 6, 2011
Customer data protection and privacy regulation in start-up companies July 15, 2016
DHIS 2 Academy - online May 3, 2016
DHIS2 as Platform and Ecosystem (1-2 students) Aug. 22, 2017
DHIS2 as a Logistics Management Information System (LMIS) Sep. 16, 2019
DTrace and Runtime Verification Sep. 22, 2014
  • Carl Martin Rosenberg
Dashboards and Platform-Based Decision Making in COVID-19 Sep. 24, 2021
Data visualization for Mobile Broadband Network Measurement Oct. 5, 2012
Debugging machine learning models through the lens of explainability Dec. 3, 2020
Decentralized leases for Web-cache consistency Sep. 7, 2011
Delay-gradient TCP congestion control mechanisms for Linux kernel Oct. 2, 2012
Design and development of Health Information Systems to support Universal Health Coverage in Low and Middle Income Countries May 20, 2016
Design and development of surveillance systems for antimicrobial resistance Sep. 17, 2019
Design and innovation in enterprise software ecosystems Sep. 1, 2021
Developing a web application for MirMachine, a miRNA prediction tool Oct. 15, 2020
Developing a Novel Multi-hop Transport Layer for 5G Oct. 18, 2021
Developing a pipeline for deep analyses of cancer-causing bacterial genes from metagenome data Sep. 12, 2019