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Published Jan. 16, 2019 10:08 AM

If you have a documented medical condition that requires special arrangements in connection with the exam, you should submit your application for these arrangements before the 1st of February.

Please read more about special examination arrangements and how to apply.

Published Jan. 16, 2019 10:06 AM

All students at the Department have to register for the spring term 2019 before the 1st of February. If you have a status as an exchange student, you are exempt from paying the fee, but you still have to register for the term.

When you have paid and registered you can download the Student ID app or order the semester card in StudentWeb. We recommend you to do this well in advance of the deadline.

Published Oct. 23, 2018 9:50 AM

As a result of the ongoing changes in the Department' s study programs, the program option Nordic Media is being phased out, and there will be no admission to the program as from autumn 2019. This change does not affect full-time students who are already admitted to the Nordic Media program option (autumn 2018 or earlier). 

However, the phasing out may have effect on part-time students, students on leave and similar. If in doubt, please contact Department' s Section of Studies at

Please note that the obligatory course of the Nordic Media program, MEVIT 4100 Nordic Media in International Perspective, will be offered for the last time autumn 2019.  If you are a student of the Nordic Media program and have not yet taken this course or have not passed it, you should take it autumn...

Published Aug. 29, 2018 4:45 PM

Are you interested in doing a semester abroad or to go abroad for summer school? The University has over 800 exchange agreements with universities all around the world - we're sure you can find one that suits your needs.

The application deadline for studying abroad spring 2019 is 15 September. You can find some information regarding studying abroad here. As most of the websites concerning exchange is in Norwegian, we recommend that you schedule an appointment with the study administration for more information:

Published Oct. 10, 2016 11:33 AM

The Department of Media and Communication has the pleasure to announce that Jessica Yarin Robinson, Frederik Holm Højvang Rasmussen and Anne Wikdahl Haga will receive Fritt Ord’s student scholarship. The scholarships are awarded to students who have projects within the fields of freedom of expression, democracy and human rights.

The following projects will receive the scholarships:

  • Jessica Yarin Robinson:  All Politics is Global: Transnational political engagement on Twitter during the U.S. presidential election.
  • Frederik Holm Højvang Rasmussen: At skabe en offentlighed  - Et casestudie af NRKs nyhedsformidling i et digitalt medielandskab.
  • Anne Wikdahl Haga: Digital kompetanse og privatliv på nett. En studie av betydningen av digital kompetanse for holdninger til, tillit til, og bruk av teknologiske tjenester som innhenter og bruker personlige data.
Published Aug. 26, 2016 9:42 AM

Three grants of up to NOK 30 000 are announced for master students at the Department of Media and Communication.

Department of Media and Communication and the Fritt Ord Foundation announce grants to projects within the fields of freedom of expression, democracy and human rights.

Send in an application, complete with a project description, timeline, transcript of your grades and your CV.

Submit your application to by 15 September 2016.

Department of Information Science and Media Studies at the University of Bergen will process the applications. The final disbursement is contingent on the Fritt Ord Foundation’s approval of the recommendation.

The object of the Fritt Ord Foundation is to protect and promote freedom of expression, particularly by encouraging lively debate and dauntless use of the free word.

Only master's students who have passed MEVIT4000 are eligible to apply for the grants.

Published Aug. 18, 2015 2:03 PM
Published Mar. 20, 2015 2:25 PM


There will be held an obligatory meeting for the new Nordic Media students (those of you that started autumn 2014).

Thursday April 9th, at 14.15 - 16.00, room 208, at IMK.

We'll evaluate your first semester and talk about the joys and difficulties of writing your master's thesis!

Food will be served.



Published Oct. 9, 2014 9:15 AM

This autumn a new Dean and a new Faculty Board will be elected at the Faculty of Humanities (HF). Elections are forthcoming, get all your information here.

Electing a new Dean

Staff and students will elect the new Dean between 3. and 7. November.

Registered students with voting rights at HF can nominate candidates. The deadline is 10. October.

Nominees will be announced on 13. October.

Electing a new Faculty Board

Three student representatives are elected to the Faculty Board between 17. and 23. November. Three here-up representatives are also elected.

The deadline is 3. November

Read more about how you can take part in electing the new Faculty leadership:

Published Aug. 19, 2013 1:05 PM